--field="$(gettext "Limit the use of processor cores")!$(gettext "Limiting the number of CPU cores is useful for Unity games (It is recommended to set the value equal to 8)") :CB""${CPU_LIMIT_VAR}!disabled!${GET_LOGICAL_CORE}"\
--field="$(gettext "Limit the use of processor cores")!$(gettext "Limiting the number of CPU cores is useful for Unity games (It is recommended to set the value equal to 8)") :CB""${CPU_LIMIT_VAR}!disabled!${GET_LOGICAL_CORE}"\
--field="$(gettext "Choose a graphics card to run the game (in user.conf)")!$(gettext "Select which video card will be used to run the game (used for all running games and programs in PortProton)") :CB""${GPU_VAR}!disabled!${GET_GPU_NAMES}"\
--field="$(gettext "Choose a graphics card to run the game (in user.conf)")!$(gettext "Select which video card will be used to run the game (used for all running games and programs in PortProton)") :CB""${GPU_VAR}!disabled!${GET_GPU_NAMES}"\
--field="$(gettext "Forcibly select the OpenGL version for the game")!$(gettext "You can select the required OpenGL version, some games require a forced Compatibility Profile (COMPAT). (Examples are in the drop-down list)") :CB""${PW_MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE}!disabled!4.6COMPAT!4.6!4.5COMPAT!4.5!3.3COMPAT!3.3"\
--field="$(gettext "Forcibly select the OpenGL version for the game")!$(gettext "You can select the required OpenGL version, some games require a forced Compatibility Profile (COMPAT). (Examples are in the drop-down list)") :CB""${PW_MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE}!disabled!4.6COMPAT!4.6!4.5COMPAT!4.5!3.3COMPAT!3.3"\
--field="$(gettext "Forcibly select the VKD3D feature level")!$(gettext "You can set a forced feature level VKD3D for games on DirectX12") :CB""${PW_VKD3D_FEATURE_LEVEL}!disabled!12_2!12_1!12_0!11_1!11_0"\
--field="$(gettext "Forcibly select the VKD3D feature level")!$(gettext "You can set a forced feature level VKD3D for games on DirectX12") :${VKD3D_CB}""${PW_VKD3D_FEATURE_LEVEL}!disabled!12_2!12_1!12_0!11_1!11_0"\
--field="$(gettext "Force certain locale for an app:")!$(gettext "Fixes encoding issues in legacy software") :CB""${PW_LOCALE_SELECT}!disabled!$LOCALE_LIST"\
--field="$(gettext "Force certain locale for an app:")!$(gettext "Fixes encoding issues in legacy software") :CB""${PW_LOCALE_SELECT}!disabled!$LOCALE_LIST"\