@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ You can help us in the development of the project on the website: boosty.to/port
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ You can help us in the development of the project on the website: boosty.to/port
###Scripts version 2123###
###Scripts version 2122###
###Scripts version 2122###
* added the pp-games-lib plugin to the new PortProton/data/plugins/ details directory on github (plugin author: comrade zorn) https://github.com/zorn-v/PortProton-games-library
* added the pp-games-lib plugin to the new PortProton/data/plugins/ details directory on github (plugin author: comrade zorn) https://github.com/zorn-v/PortProton-games-library
* updated scripts for installing and launching League of Legends (updated WINE_LOL_GE_7.0-4 - from now on there is no need to enter the root password to launch League of Legends)
* updated scripts for installing and launching League of Legends (updated WINE_LOL_GE_7.0-4 - from now on there is no need to enter the root password to launch League of Legends)
* добавлен плагин pp-games-lib в новый каталог PortProton/data/plugins/ подробности на github (автор плагина: товарищ zorn) https://github.com/zorn-v/PortProton-games-library
* добавлен плагин pp-games-lib в новый каталог PortProton/data/plugins/ подробности на github (автор плагина: товарищ zorn) https://github.com/zorn-v/PortProton-games-library
* обновлены срипты установки и запуска League of Legends (обновлен WINE_LOL_GE_7.0-4 - отныне нет необходимости вводить пароль рут для запуска League of Legends)
* обновлены срипты установки и запуска League of Legends (обновлен WINE_LOL_GE_7.0-4 - отныне нет необходимости вводить пароль рут для запуска League of Legends)