--text="$(eval_gettext "MangoHud settings (Keys <b>R_SHIFT + F12</b> disable MangoHud)\n<b>note:</b> To display help for each item, just hover the mouse cursor over the text.\n")"\
--text-align=center --text="$(eval_gettext "MangoHud settings (Keys <b>R_SHIFT + F12</b> disable MangoHud)\n<b>note:</b> To display help for each item, just hover the mouse cursor over the text.\n")"\
--button="$(eval_gettext "CANCEL THE CHANGES")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Cancel the current changes and return to the previous menu")":1 \
--button="$(eval_gettext "CANCEL THE CHANGES")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Cancel the current changes and return to the previous menu")":1 \
--button="$(eval_gettext "DISABLE MANGOHUD")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Disable MangoHud and go to the previous menu")":182 \
--button="$(eval_gettext "DISABLE MANGOHUD")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Disable MangoHud and go to the previous menu")":182 \
--button="$(eval_gettext "SAVE CHANGES")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Save the current changes, and go to the previous menu")":184 2>/dev/null
--button="$(eval_gettext "SAVE CHANGES")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE.png"!"$(eval_gettext "Save the current changes, and go to the previous menu")":184 2>/dev/null