Unverified Commit 1f04f01c authored by Naseem's avatar Naseem

Copy timestamped folder within the backup volume, directly into cloud storage

By copying /backup/* we are copying all contents, in this case the timestamped backup folder, without the prepending /backup
parent 3265b97d
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ spec:
if [ -n "$KEY_FILE" ]; then
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file $KEY_FILE
gsutil -m cp -r "$SRC_URL" "$DST_URL"
gsutil -m cp -r /backup/* "$DST_URL"
- name: backup
mountPath: /backup
......@@ -63,8 +63,6 @@ spec:
mountPath: /var/secrets/google/
{{- end }}
- name: SRC_URL
value: /backup
- name: DST_URL
value: {{ .Values.backup.gcs.destination}}
{{- if .Values.backup.gcs.serviceAccountSecretKey}}
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