• Ferenc-'s avatar
    [stable/influxdb] Add fullnameOverride (#6224) · 3965be67
    Ferenc- authored
    * Similar to other charts, this allows configurable name
      overrides so 'cleaner' resource names can be achieved,
      which are independent from the wanted release names.
    * This is a must have if you want to integrate influxdb with
      other charts, where a resource name can't be templated
      and has to be fixed in the values.yaml, and you have to
      deploy that in multiple instances on the same k8s cluster.
      For example if you have an integration chart and
      the grafana data source URI points to a fixed influxdb
      service name, then without this patch,
      it can't be deployed in multiple instances,
      since the service name depends on the release name,
      which has to be unique.
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