.body-2(v-if='strategy.isEnabled') This strategy is #[span.green--text active].
.body-2(v-else) This strategy is #[span.red--text not active].
.body-2(v-if='strategy.isEnabled') This strategy is #[v-chip(color='green', small, dark, label) active]
.body-2(v-else) This strategy is #[v-chip(color='red', small, dark, label) not active]
v-subheader.pl-0 Strategy Configuration
.body-1.ml-3(v-if='!strategy.config || strategy.config.length < 1'): em This strategy has no configuration options you can modify.
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
v-toolbar(color='primary', dense, flat, dark)
.subheading Configuration Reference
.body-1 Some strategies may require some configuration values to be set on your provider.
.body-1 Some strategies may require some configuration values to be set on your provider. These are provided for reference only and may not be needed by the current strategy.
v-alert.mt-3.radius-7(v-if='host.length < 8', color='red', outline, :value='true', icon='warning') You must set a valid #[strong Site URL] first! Click on #[strong General] in the left sidebar.