Commit 089b7850 authored by avioral's avatar avioral Committed by NGPixel

fix: broken draw io diagram on rtl mode, improve elasticsearch config (#2647)

* - Modify elastic settings - Add tags field to index - Modify elastic search query - Remove empty entities from build suggests list * Fix map parser error * - Fix broken drawio svg diagram (rtl issue) * - Restore the spaces in objects to respect the project formatting rules. - Omit explanation line
parent a3513b1b
......@@ -583,6 +583,9 @@
.diagram {
margin-top: 1rem;
svg:first-child {
direction: ltr;
// ---------------------------------
......@@ -57,11 +57,12 @@ module.exports = {
const idxBody = {
properties: {
suggest: { type: 'completion' },
title: { type: 'text', boost: 4.0 },
title: { type: 'text', boost: 10.0 },
description: { type: 'text', boost: 3.0 },
content: { type: 'text', boost: 1.0 },
locale: { type: 'keyword' },
path: { type: 'text' }
path: { type: 'text' },
tags: { type: 'text', boost: 8.0 }
await this.client.indices.create({
......@@ -92,26 +93,11 @@ module.exports = {
index: this.config.indexName,
body: {
query: {
bool: {
filter: [
bool: {
should: [
simple_query_string: {
query: q
query_string: {
query: `*${q}*`
minimum_should_match: 1
simple_query_string: {
query: `*${q}*`,
fields: ['title^20', 'description^3', 'tags^8', 'content^1'],
default_operator: 'and',
analyze_wildcard: true
from: 0,
......@@ -145,14 +131,26 @@ module.exports = {
WIKI.logger.warn('Search Engine Error: ', _.get(err, 'meta.body.error', err))
* Build tags field
* @param id
* @returns {Promise<*|*[]>}
async buildTags(id) {
const tags = await WIKI.models.pages.query().findById(id).select('*').withGraphJoined('tags')
return (tags.tags && tags.tags.length > 0) ? (tag) {
return tag.title
}) : []
* Build suggest field
buildSuggest(page) {
return _.uniq(_.concat(
return _.reject(_.uniq(_.concat(
page.title.split(' ').map(s => ({
input: s,
weight: 4
weight: 10
page.description.split(' ').map(s => ({
input: s,
......@@ -162,7 +160,7 @@ module.exports = {
input: s,
weight: 1
)), ['input', ''])
......@@ -180,7 +178,8 @@ module.exports = {
path: page.path,
title: page.title,
description: page.description,
content: page.safeContent
content: page.safeContent,
tags: await this.buildTags(
refresh: true
......@@ -201,7 +200,8 @@ module.exports = {
path: page.path,
title: page.title,
description: page.description,
content: page.safeContent
content: page.safeContent,
tags: await this.buildTags(
refresh: true
......@@ -241,7 +241,8 @@ module.exports = {
path: page.destinationPath,
title: page.title,
description: page.description,
content: page.safeContent
content: page.safeContent,
tags: await this.buildTags(
refresh: true
......@@ -266,6 +267,7 @@ module.exports = {
if (doc) {
const docBytes = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(doc)).byteLength
doc['tags'] = await this.buildTags(doc.realId)
// -> Current batch exceeds size limit, flush
if (docBytes + COMMA_BYTES + bytes >= MAX_INDEXING_BYTES) {
await flushBuffer()
......@@ -307,6 +309,7 @@ module.exports = {
doc.safeContent = WIKI.models.pages.cleanHTML(doc.render)
suggest: this.buildSuggest(doc),
tags: doc.tags,
locale: doc.locale,
path: doc.path,
title: doc.title,
......@@ -324,8 +327,9 @@ module.exports = {
bytes = 0
// Added real id in order to fetch page tags from the query
await pipeline(
WIKI.models.knex.column({ id: 'hash' }, 'path', { locale: 'localeCode' }, 'title', 'description', 'render').select().from('pages').where({
WIKI.models.knex.column({ id: 'hash' }, 'path', { locale: 'localeCode' }, 'title', 'description', 'render', { realId: 'id' }).select().from('pages').where({
isPublished: true,
isPrivate: false
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