Commit d8fa6ecc authored by NGPixel's avatar NGPixel

setup wizard intro + syscheck

parent 48e7ea2e
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
"use strict";jQuery(document).ready(function(e){new Vue({el:"main",data:{loading:!1,state:"welcome",syscheck:{ok:!1,error:""},conf:{title:"Wiki",host:""}},methods:{proceedToSyscheck:function(e){var t=this;this.state="syscheck",this.loading=!0,_.delay(function(){"/syscheck").then(function(e){!0?t.syscheck.ok=!0:(t.syscheck.ok=!1,,t.loading=!1}).catch(function(e){window.alert(e.message)})},1e3)},proceedToGeneral:function(e){this.state="general",this.loading=!0}}})});
\ No newline at end of file
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
'use strict'
/* global jQuery, _, Vue, axios */
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
new Vue({ // eslint-disable-line no-new
el: 'main',
data: {
loading: false,
state: 'welcome',
syscheck: {
ok: false,
error: ''
conf: {
title: 'Wiki',
host: ''
methods: {
proceedToSyscheck: function (ev) {
let self = this
this.state = 'syscheck'
this.loading = true
_.delay(() => {'/syscheck').then(resp => {
if ( === true) {
self.syscheck.ok = true
} else {
self.syscheck.ok = false
self.syscheck.error =
self.loading = false
}).catch(err => {
}, 1000)
proceedToGeneral: function (ev) {
this.state = 'general'
this.loading = true
...@@ -25,3 +25,28 @@ $primary: 'indigo'; ...@@ -25,3 +25,28 @@ $primary: 'indigo';
} }
} }
i.icon-loader {
display: inline-block;
color: mc('indigo', '500')
i.icon-check {
color: mc('green', '500')
i.icon-square-cross {
color: mc('red', '500')
.tst-welcome-leave-active {
transition: all .5s;
overflow-y: hidden;
.tst-welcome-leave {
opacity: 1;
max-height: 200px;
.tst-welcome-leave-to {
opacity: 0;
max-height: 0;
padding-top: 0;
...@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ module.exports = (port, spinner) => { ...@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ module.exports = (port, spinner) => {
const favicon = require('serve-favicon') const favicon = require('serve-favicon')
const http = require('http') const http = require('http')
const path = require('path') const path = require('path')
const Promise = require('bluebird')
const _ = require('lodash')
// ---------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------
// Define Express App // Define Express App
...@@ -49,6 +51,60 @@ module.exports = (port, spinner) => { ...@@ -49,6 +51,60 @@ module.exports = (port, spinner) => {
res.render('configure/index') res.render('configure/index')
}) })'/syscheck', (req, res) => {
() => {
const semver = require('semver')
if (!semver.satisfies(semver.clean(process.version), '>=4.6.0')) {
throw new Error('Node.js version is too old. Minimum is 4.6.0.')
return true
() => {
const os = require('os')
if (os.totalmem() < 1024 * 1024 * 512) {
throw new Error('Not enough memory. Minimum is 512 MB.')
return true
() => {
return Promise.try(() => {
}).catch(err => { // eslint-disable-line handle-callback-err
throw new Error('Crypto Node.js module is not available.')
() => {
const exec = require('child_process').exec
const semver = require('semver')
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
exec('git --version', (err, stdout, stderr) => {
if (err || stdout.length < 3) {
reject(new Error('Git is not installed or not reachable from PATH.'))
let gitver = _.chain(stdout.replace(/[^\d.]/g, '')).split('.').take(3).join('.').value()
if (!semver.satisfies(semver.clean(gitver), '>=2.11.0')) {
reject(new Error('Git version is too old. Minimum is 2.11.0.'))
() => {
let fs = require('fs')
return Promise.try(() => {
fs.accessSync(path.join(ROOTPATH, 'config.yml'), (fs.constants || fs).W_OK)
}).catch(err => { // eslint-disable-line handle-callback-err
throw new Error('config.yml file is not writable by Node.js process or was not created properly.')
], test => { return test() }).then(results => {
res.json({ ok: true })
}).catch(err => {
res.json({ ok: false, error: err.message })
// ---------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------
// Error handling // Error handling
// ---------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------
...@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ const paths = { ...@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ const paths = {
'./node_modules/', './node_modules/',
'./node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js', './node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js',
'./node_modules/vue/dist/vue.min.js', './node_modules/vue/dist/vue.min.js',
'./node_modules/jquery-smooth-scroll/jquery.smooth-scroll.min.js', './node_modules/jquery-smooth-scroll/jquery.smooth-scroll.min.js',
'./node_modules/jquery-simple-upload/simpleUpload.min.js', './node_modules/jquery-simple-upload/simpleUpload.min.js',
'./node_modules/jquery-contextmenu/dist/jquery.contextMenu.min.js', './node_modules/jquery-contextmenu/dist/jquery.contextMenu.min.js',
...@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ html ...@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ html
// JS // JS
script(type='text/javascript', src='/js/libs.js') script(type='text/javascript', src='/js/libs.js')
//script(type='text/javascript', src='/js/app.js') script(type='text/javascript', src='/js/configure.js')
block head block head
...@@ -24,32 +24,56 @@ html ...@@ -24,32 +24,56 @@ html
#header-container #header-container
nav.nav#header nav.nav#header
.nav-left .nav-left
a.nav-item(href='/') a.nav-item
h1 h1
i.icon-layers i.icon-layers
| Wiki.js | Wiki.js
main main
.container .container
.welcome(style={'padding-bottom': '5px'}) transition(name='tst-welcome')
img(src='/favicons/android-icon-96x96.png', alt='Wiki.js') .welcome(style={'padding-bottom': '5px'}, v-if='state === "welcome"')
h1 Welcome to Wiki.js! img(src='/favicons/android-icon-96x96.png', alt='Wiki.js')
h2(style={'margin-bottom': 0}) Fill in the fields below to get up and running. h1 Welcome to Wiki.js!
.content h2(style={'margin-bottom': 0}) A modern, lightweight and powerful wiki app built on NodeJS, Git and Markdown
.panel .content(v-cloak)
h2.panel-title template(v-if='state === "welcome"')
span General .panel
.panel-content.form-sections span Introduction
section i(v-if='loading')
label.label Site Title p This installation wizard will guide you through the steps needed to get your wiki up and running in no time!
input(type='text', placeholder='e.g. Wiki', v-model='title') p Detailed information about installation and usage can be found on the #[a(href='') official documentation site]. #[br] Should you have any question or would like to report something that doesn't look right, feel free to create a new issue on the #[a(href='') GitHub project].
section .panel-footer'proceedToSyscheck', v-bind:disabled='loading') Start
label.label Host template(v-else-if='state === "syscheck"')
input(type='text', placeholder='http://', v-model='host') .panel
.panel-footer'add', v-bind:disabled='loading') Continue span System Check
p(v-if='loading') #[i.icon-loader.animated.rotateIn.infinite] Checking your system for compatibility...
p(v-if='!loading && syscheck.ok') #[i.icon-check] Looks great! No issues so far.
p(v-if='!loading && !syscheck.ok') #[i.icon-square-cross] Error: {{ syscheck.error }}
.panel-footer'proceedToSyscheck', v-if='!loading && !syscheck.ok') Check Again'proceedToGeneral', v-if='loading || syscheck.ok', v-bind:disabled='loading') Continue
template(v-else-if='state === "general"')
span General
label.label Site Title
input(type='text', placeholder='e.g. Wiki', v-model='conf.title')
label.label Host
input(type='text', placeholder='http://', v-model='')
.panel-footer'proceedToSyscheck', v-bind:disabled='loading') Continue
footer.footer footer.footer
span span
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