.body-1 Assets such as images and other files are cached to disk for better performance. You can flush the cache to force all assets to be fetched from the DB again.
v-btn(outline, color='primary').ml-0.mt-3
v-icon(left) build
v-icon(left) build
span Proceed
span Proceed
v-subheader.pl-0 Flush Temporary Uploads
v-subheader.pl-0 Flush Temporary Uploads
.body-1 New uploads are temporarily saved to disk while they are being processed. They are automatically deleted after processing, but you can force an immediate cleanup using this tool.
.body-1 New uploads are temporarily saved to disk while they are being processed. They are automatically deleted after processing, but you can force an immediate cleanup using this tool.
v-btn(outline, color='primary').ml-0.mt-3
.body-1.red--text Note that performing this action while an upload is in progress can result in a failed upload.