Unverified Commit e0a04346 authored by takumi9942's avatar takumi9942 Committed by GitHub

fix: editor-modal-media action button (#1736)

parent a8344e4e
...@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ ...@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
td(v-if='$vuetify.breakpoint.smAndUp') td(v-if='$vuetify.breakpoint.smAndUp')
v-menu(offset-x, min-width='200') v-menu(offset-x, min-width='200')
template(v-slot:activator='{ on }') template(v-slot:activator='{ on }')
v-btn(icon, v-on='on', tile, small) v-btn(icon, v-on='on', tile, small, @click.left='currentFileId = props.item.id')
v-icon(color='grey darken-2') mdi-dots-horizontal v-icon(color='grey darken-2') mdi-dots-horizontal
v-list(nav, style='border-top: 5px solid #444;') v-list(nav, style='border-top: 5px solid #444;')
v-list-item(@click='', disabled) v-list-item(@click='', disabled)
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