Unverified Commit e4364419 authored by Nicolas Giard's avatar Nicolas Giard Committed by GitHub

misc: fix helm charts auth (2)

parent 5142213a
......@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ jobs:
- name: Package and Push Chart
run: |
helm plugin install https://github.com/chartmuseum/helm-push.git
helm repo add chartmuseum https://charts.js.wiki --username ${{env.HELM_REPO_USERNAME}} --password ${{env.HELM_REPO_PASSWORD}}
helm cm-push dev/helm/ chartmuseum
helm repo add chartmuseum https://charts.js.wiki
helm cm-push --username="${{env.HELM_REPO_USERNAME}}" --password="${{env.HELM_REPO_PASSWORD}}" dev/helm/ chartmuseum
helm repo remove chartmuseum
# - name: Generate and Push Chart Archive
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