• Vitaly Lipatov's avatar
    3.15.1-alt1 · 87873115
    Vitaly Lipatov authored
    - glusterfs*.sh: fix returned error code (ALT bug 41429)
    - epm-play: export SUDO for scripts
    - epm play assistant: update version to 4.8
    - epm play: add alternatives xbrowser/x-www-browser and webclient provides for all browsers
    - epm play: update sputnik-browser to 5.6
    - epm play: do correct repack for brave browser
    - epm play scripts: cleanup
    - epm play: move all chrome based browser code to the common file
    - epm play: fix permissions (The Teams did not start)
    - epm play geogebra
    - epm play webex (ALT bug 42115)
eepm.spec 68 KB