Commit 157508f8 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

epm repack skypeforlinux: fix packing (ALT bug 43615)

parent 3f2b6b88
......@@ -10,12 +10,9 @@ PRODUCTDIR=/opt/skype
. $(dirname $0)/
# remove key install script
rm -rvf $BUILDROOT/opt/skypeforlinux/
subst "s|.*/opt/skypeforlinux/.*||" $SPEC
remove_dir /opt/skypeforlinux
mv $BUILDROOT/usr/share/skypeforlinux/* $BUILDROOT$PRODUCTDIR/
subst "s|/usr/share/skypeforlinux|$PRODUCTDIR|g" $SPEC
move_to_opt /usr/share/skypeforlinux
subst "s|^SKYPE_PATH=.*|SKYPE_PATH=$PRODUCTDIR/skypeforlinux|" $BUILDROOT/usr/bin/skypeforlinux
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