Commit 08d2ed14 authored by Sergey V Turchin's avatar Sergey V Turchin Committed by Anton Midyukov

- kwrk: add option to install xorg-96dpi package

parent b692b222
......@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ distro/kworkstation-install: \
printing publishing scanning \
video-editing sound-editing graphics-editing \
z01-add-clients clients-ad clients-ipa clients-backup clients-cloud clients-monitor \
z02-add-additional add-oem add-tablet add-webterminal)
z02-add-additional add-oem add-tablet add-webterminal add-no4k-screen)
distro/kworkstation-install: \
mixin/kworkstation-install-deps \
[Desktop Entry]
Name=No hi-resolution screen
Name[ru_RU]=Нет монитора высокого разрешения
Comment=Additional tuning if no hi-resolution screens(4K).
Comment[ru_RU]=Дополнительная подстройка при отсутствии экранов высокого разрешения(4K).
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