Commit 0bd60b11 authored by Anton Midyukov's avatar Anton Midyukov Committed by Roman Alifanov allow read access to the report to everyone

Fixes access for others to targets.log
parent 45ad4b7b
......@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ all: reports/targets reports/scripts reports/cleanlog \
@mv $(LOGDIR)/{$(IMAGE_OUTFILE),$(IMAGE_OUTFILE).reports/build}.cfg
@find $(BUILDDIR)/pkg/ -type f | sed 's:$(BUILDDIR)/pkg/::' > \
@chmod +r -R "$(LOGDIR)/$(IMAGE_OUTFILE).reports"
ifeq (2,$(REPORT))
@cd "$(LOGDIR)" && tar -cf "$(IMAGE_OUTFILE).reports.tar" "$(IMAGE_OUTFILE).reports" && \
rm -r "$(IMAGE_OUTFILE).reports"
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