Commit 28f7f9be authored by Michael Shigorin's avatar Michael Shigorin get good ol' interface naming back

enp0s3 is quite inferior to eth0 in terms of usability even if it might be more convenient for the machine{,ry}. Let's stick with what works here in ALT Linux (see #28484).
parent cec6b262
......@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ distro/.regular-desktop: distro/.base +live +wireless use/live/ru \
@$(call add,LIVE_LISTS,$(call tags,base regular))
@$(call add,LIVE_LISTS,$(call tags,rescue extra))
@$(call add,LIVE_LISTS,domain-client)
@$(call add,STAGE1_PACKAGES,udev-rule-generator-net)
@$(call add,STAGE2_PACKAGES,udev-rule-generator-net)
@$(call add,THE_BRANDING,indexhtml notes alterator bootloader)
@$(call set,KFLAVOURS,std-def)
@$(call add,KMODULES,r8168)
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