Commit 2b4c02fa authored by Anton Midyukov's avatar Anton Midyukov

repo: Add main repo when first time run 'live'

Since the config was created in live, it remained after installation. Now the config will be created at the first start of live and only if /image/ALTLinux/ is present (it will not be available when bootloading via http or ftp). After installing live, the package will be deleted and the config will not be created at the first start.
parent 6fe87e5f
......@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ use/repo:
@$(call xport,REPO_MAIN)
@$(call xport,REPO)
use/repo/main:: sub/main use/repo; @:
use/repo/main:: sub/main use/repo
@$(call add,LIVE_PACKAGES,livecd-main-repo)
ifeq (vm,$(IMAGE_CLASS))
#!/bin/sh -efu
# configure package repository of the image (provided by sub/main);
# this script will be run iff both live and repo features are used
mkdir -p $DIR && {
echo "# for real stuff you'll need full repo, see apt-repo"
echo "rpm file:/image ALTLinux main"
} > $DIR/main.list
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