Commit 37f5fbca authored by Anton Midyukov's avatar Anton Midyukov

stage2: copy initrd instead full*.cz, if that is not available

In the future, it is planned building iso without propagator.
parent 3259b2fa
......@@ -19,11 +19,18 @@ fi
kimage="$(find /boot -type f -name "$kname-*")"
propagator="$(find /boot -type f -name 'full-*.cz')"
[ -n "$propagator" ] ||
initrd="$(find /boot -type f -name 'initrd-*.img')"
cp $verbose -af $kimage boot/
mv boot/$kname-$kverdef boot/$kname
cp $verbose -af $propagator boot/
mv boot/full-$ boot/
if [ -n "$propagator" ]; then
cp $verbose -af $propagator boot/
mv boot/full-$ boot/
cp $verbose -af $initrd boot/
mv boot/initrd-$kverdef.img boot/initrd.img
# config is generated in mkimage
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