Commit 52536a19 authored by Andrew A. Vasilyev's avatar Andrew A. Vasilyev Committed by Anton Midyukov

server-v: change the order of profile items

parent 454c2a13
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ distro/server-v: logging = $(addprefix server-v/,\
rsyslog-classic systemd-journal-remote)
distro/server-v: profiles = $(addprefix server-v/,\
111-opennebula-node 112-opennebula-server 113-opennebula-lxd 140-basic 201-docker)
111-opennebula-server 112-opennebula-node 113-opennebula-lxd 140-basic 201-docker)
#121-openstack-node 122-openstack-controller
ifeq (,$(filter-out x86_64 aarch64,$(ARCH)))
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Opennebula Server
Name[ru_RU]=Сервер Opennebula
Name=Opennebula Control Server
Name[ru_RU]=Сервер управления Opennebula
X-Alterator-Groups=server-v/opennebula/server server-v/opennebula/flow server-v/opennebula/gate server-v/opennebula/gui
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