Commit 6083dd9f authored by Anton Midyukov's avatar Anton Midyukov

grub: fix install-vnc-{connect,listen}.cfg

parent afa38254
menuentry 'Install ALT @relname@ (headless with DHCP+VNC client) (edit to set server IP address)' --id 'vncconnect' { menuentry 'Install @relname@ (headless with DHCP+VNC client) (edit to set server IP address)' --id 'vncconnect' {
linux@linux_suffix@ @boot_path@/vmlinuz changedisk fastboot automatic=method:cdrom ramdisk_size=@altinst_size@ showopts @bootargs@ headless no_alt_virt_keyboard vncconnect=IP linux@linux_suffix@ @boot_path@/vmlinuz changedisk fastboot automatic=method:cdrom ramdisk_size=@altinst_size@ showopts @bootargs@ headless no_alt_virt_keyboard vncconnect=IP
initrd@linux_suffix@ @boot_path@/ initrd@linux_suffix@ @boot_path@/
} }
menuentry 'Install ALT @relname@ (headless with DHCP+VNC) (password VNCPWD)' --id 'vncpasswd' { menuentry 'Install @relname@ (headless with DHCP+VNC) (password VNCPWD)' --id 'vncpasswd' {
linux@linux_suffix@ @boot_path@/vmlinuz changedisk fastboot automatic=method:cdrom ramdisk_size=@altinst_size@ showopts @bootargs@ headless no_alt_virt_keyboard vncpassword=VNCPWD linux@linux_suffix@ @boot_path@/vmlinuz changedisk fastboot automatic=method:cdrom ramdisk_size=@altinst_size@ showopts @bootargs@ headless no_alt_virt_keyboard vncpassword=VNCPWD
initrd@linux_suffix@ @boot_path@/ initrd@linux_suffix@ @boot_path@/
} }
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