Commit 79a1c46d authored by Michael Shigorin's avatar Michael Shigorin

syslinux: tweak vncconnect item description

I've just borrowed glebfm@'s one introduced by commit ec23a8ec before; this still might be improved it seems. Suggested-by: 's avatarGleb Fotengauer-Malinovskiy <>
parent ec23a8ec
label vncconnect label vncconnect
menu label ^VNC install (<Tab>, IP of vncviewer --listen) menu label ^VNC install (edit to set server IP address)
kernel alt0/vmlinuz kernel alt0/vmlinuz
append initrd=alt0/ changedisk fastboot automatic=method:cdrom ramdisk_size=@altinst_size@ showopts @bootargs@ headless vncconnect=IP append initrd=alt0/ changedisk fastboot automatic=method:cdrom ramdisk_size=@altinst_size@ showopts @bootargs@ headless vncconnect=IP
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