Commit 7f1ec09c authored by Mikhail Gordeev's avatar Mikhail Gordeev Committed by Michael Shigorin

tar2fs: do not chown ROOTFS and WORKDIR

Changing ROOTFS owner causes a problem: created image's root directory is owned by user executing make instead of root. Changing WORKDIR owner is unnecessary because it will be removed anyways.
parent 0315b4e2
......@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ elif [ -x "$ROOTFS"/usr/sbin/grub-autoupdate ]; then
if [ -n "$SUDO_USER" ]; then
chown "$SUDO_USER:$(id -g "$SUDO_USER")" "$IMG" "$ROOTFS" "$WORKDIR" ||:
chown "$SUDO_USER:$(id -g "$SUDO_USER")" "$IMG" ||:
# maybe qemu interpreter was copied to chroot;
# this is no longer necessary, remove
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