Commit 8dbd0a0f authored by Anton Midyukov's avatar Anton Midyukov

Makefile, lib/ fix usage AUTOCLEAN with DEBUG

make distclean should be launched after copying the log when debugging is enabled.
parent c8bbabcd
......@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ SHELL = /bin/bash
else \
exit 1; \
fi; \
if [ -n "$(AUTOCLEAN)" ]; then $(MAKE) distclean; fi; \
done; \
if [ "$$n" -lt "$(NUM_TARGETS)" ]; then say; fi
......@@ -103,7 +103,6 @@ build-image: profile/populate
df -P $(BUILDDIR) | awk 'END { if ($$4 < $(LOWSPACE)) \
{ print "NB: low space on "$$6" ("$$5" used)"}}'; \
fi; \
if [ -n "$(AUTOCLEAN)" -a $$RETVAL = 0 ]; then $(MAKE) distclean; fi; \
if [ -n "$(BELL)" ]; then echo -ne '\a'; fi; \
exit $$RETVAL; \
} >&2
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