Commit 9e7ae7f9 authored by Andrew Savchenko's avatar Andrew Savchenko Committed by Anton Midyukov

start eg25-manager by default

parent 0fe1c66d
mixin/phosh: use/x11/gdm use/x11-autologin +pipewire +nm +nm-native
mixin/phosh: use/x11/gdm use/x11-autologin +pipewire +nm +nm-native \
@$(call add,THE_PACKAGES,phosh mutter-gnome xorg-xwayland)
@$(call add,THE_PACKAGES,bluez eg25-manager)
@$(call add,THE_LISTS,mobile-apps)
@$(call add,DEFAULT_SERVICES_ENABLE,bluetoothd)
@$(call set,DEFAULT_SESSION,phosh)
@$(call add,DEFAULT_SYSTEMD_SERVICES_ENABLE,eg25-manager.service)
ifeq (vm,$(IMAGE_CLASS))
vm/.phosh: vm/systemd +systemd \
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