Commit b787c7db authored by Anton Midyukov's avatar Anton Midyukov

x11: Excluded sddm hit when kde5-display-manager-ligthdm is selected

Raising the priority of a targeted package does not help, and lowering the priority of a non-targeted package helped.
parent b44968fc
......@@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ use/x11/kde5-display-manager-lightdm: \
use/x11/%: use/x11/dm
@$(call set,THE_DISPLAY_MANAGER,$*)
@$(call set,THE_DM_SERVICE,lightdm)
@$(call add,PINNED_PACKAGES,kde5-display-manager-5-sddm:Extra)
use/x11/gdm: \
use/x11/%: use/x11/dm
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