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Commit c83cc111 authored by Michael Shigorin's avatar Michael Shigorin

initial kernel and metadata features

This further refines the modular build by making metadata being a clearly separated feature rather than having to rely on runtime tests, and also by moving the code which cares for kernel bits of base installation (.base list) in a feature of its own. There's more to it but let's get the ball rolling first.
parent 90930184
......@@ -16,36 +16,14 @@ BOOT_ABST := $(META_ABSTRACT)
BOOT_TYPE := isolinux
# Metadata/ needed only for installers (and not for e.g. syslinux.iso)
# FIXME: installable live needs it too, don't move to install2 feature
### see also .../
ifneq (,$(findstring install2,$(FEATURES)))
METADATA = metadata
# see also ../scripts.d/01-isosort; needs mkimage-0.2.2+
MKI_SORTFILE := /tmp/isosort
all: $(GLOBAL_DEBUG) prep copy-subdirs copy-tree run-scripts pack-image \
prep: $(GLOBAL_DEBUG) dot-disk $(METADATA) imagedir
metadata: dot-base
@mkdir -p files/Metadata
@rm -f files/Metadata/pkg-groups.tar
# see also alterator-pkg (backend3/pkg-install); we only tar up what's up to it
@tar -cvf files/Metadata/pkg-groups.tar -C $(PKGDIR) \
$$(echo $(call list,$(MAIN_GROUPS) .base) \
$(call group,$(MAIN_GROUPS)) \
| sed 's,$(PKGDIR)/*,,g')
@p="$(call kpackages,$(THE_KMODULES) $(BASE_KMODULES),$(KFLAVOURS))"; \
echo -e "\n## added by\n$$p" >> $(call list,.base); \
if [ -n "$$DOT_BASE" ]; then \
echo -e "\n## DOT_BASE\n$$DOT_BASE" >> $(call list,.base); \
prep: $(GLOBAL_DEBUG) dot-disk $(WHATEVER) imagedir
#prep: $(GLOBAL_DEBUG) dot-disk metadata imagedir
@mkdir -p files/.disk
use/install2: use/stage2 sub/stage2/install2 use/cleanup/installer
use/install2: use/stage2 sub/stage2/install2 use/metadata use/cleanup/installer
@$(call add_feature)
@$(call set,INSTALL2_PACKAGES,installer-distro-$$(INSTALLER)-stage2)
@$(call add,INSTALL2_PACKAGES,branding-$$(BRANDING)-alterator)
@$(call add_feature)
@$(call set,KFLAVOURS,std-def)
# step 4: build the distribution image
# take care for kernel bits
Эта фича занимается метаданными в составе образов --
в первую очередь инсталяционных и пригодных к установке
@$(call add_feature)
# step 4: build the distribution image
# package lists are needed for installer and live-install images
METADIR := files/Metadata
# preparation targets of ../../build-distro/lib/
WHATEVER += metadata
# args: name, suffix, command
define dump-THEM
if [ -n "$($(1)_$(2))" ]; then echo -e "\n## $(1)_$(2)"; $(3) $($(1)_$(2)); fi;
dump-PACKAGES = $(call dump-THEM,$(1),PACKAGES,echo)
dump-LISTS = $(call dump-THEM,$(1),LISTS,cat)
# BASE_PACKAGES, BASE_LISTS and whatever else goes into base install;
# thus construct requisite .base packagelist for alterator-pkg
@cd $(call list,/); \
{ \
echo "## generated by"; \
$(foreach p,SYSTEM COMMON THE BASE,$(call dump-PACKAGES,$(p))) \
$(foreach l,THE BASE,$(call dump-LISTS,$(l))) \
if [ -n "$(DOT_BASE)" ]; then \
echo -e "\n## DOT_BASE\n$(DOT_BASE)"; \
fi; \
} | sed -re '/^[^[:space:]#]/ s/[[:space:]]+/\n/g' > .base
# see also alterator-pkg (backend3/pkg-install);
# we only tar up what's up to it
metadata: metadata-.base
@mkdir -p $(METADIR); \
tar -C $(PKGDIR) -cvf - \
$(call rlist,$(MAIN_GROUPS) .base) \
$(call rgroup,$(MAIN_GROUPS)) \
> $(METADIR)/pkg-groups.tar
......@@ -5,11 +5,13 @@ PKGDIR := $(GLOBAL_BUILDDIR)/pkg
ARCH ?= $(shell arch | sed 's/i686/i586/')
DATE ?= $(shell date +%Y%m%d)
# prefix pkglist name with its directory to form a path
list = $(1:%=$(PKGDIR)/lists/%)
# prefix pkglist name with its directory to form a path (relative/absolute)
rlist = $(1:%=lists/%)
list = $(addprefix $(PKGDIR)/,$(call rlist,$(1)))
# prefix/suffix group name to form a path
group = $(1:%=$(PKGDIR)/groups/
# prefix/suffix group name to form a path (relative/absolute)
rgroup = $(1:%=groups/
group = $(addprefix $(PKGDIR)/,$(call rgroup,$(1)))
# map first argument (a function) onto second one (an argument list)
map = $(foreach a,$(2),$(call $(1),$(a)))
......@@ -23,8 +23,7 @@ distro/.init: profile/bare
# NB: the last flavour in KFLAVOURS gets to be the default one;
# the kernel packages regexp evaluation has to take place at build stage
distro/.base: distro/.init
@$(call set,KFLAVOURS,std-def)
distro/.base: distro/.init use/kernel
@$(call set,META_VOL_ID,ALT Linux $(ARCH))
@$(call set,META_VOL_SET,ALT Linux)
......@@ -18,13 +18,6 @@ include $(BUILDDIR)/
SUFFIX := pkg/lists
# Metadata/ needed only for installers (and not for e.g. syslinux.iso)
# FIXME: installable live needs it too, don't move to install2 feature
### see also .../
ifneq (,$(findstring install2,$(FEATURES)))
DOTBASE := dot-base
all: $(TARGET) $(GLOBAL_DEBUG) $(DOTBASE) copy-lists copy-groups
@if type -t git >&/dev/null && cd $(TARGET); then \
if [ -n "`git status -s`" ]; then \
......@@ -47,23 +40,6 @@ copy-groups:
cp -at $(TARGET) -- $(THE_GROUPS) $(MAIN_GROUPS); \
# args: name, suffix, command
define dump-THEM
if [ -n "$($(1)_$(2))" ]; then echo -e "\n## $(1)_$(2)"; $(3) $($(1)_$(2)); fi;
dump-PACKAGES = $(call dump-THEM,$(1),PACKAGES,echo)
dump-LISTS = $(call dump-THEM,$(1),LISTS,cat)
# BASE_PACKAGES, BASE_LISTS and whatever else goes into base install
@# construct .base packagelist for alterator-pkg
@{ \
echo "## generated by"; \
$(foreach p,SYSTEM COMMON THE BASE,$(call dump-PACKAGES,$(p))) \
$(foreach l,THE BASE,$(call dump-LISTS,$(l))) \
} | sed -re '/^[^[:space:]#]/ s/[[:space:]]+/\n/g' >$(TARGET)/.base
# do beforehand as foreach gets expanded before recipe execution
@mkdir -p $(TARGET)
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