Commit ca34287e authored by Michael Shigorin's avatar Michael Shigorin amend net-eth usage either

+net-eth covers both stage2 and base installation parts while use/stage2/net-eth would result in an inobvious catch when udev-rule-generator-net would hit install2 but not the installed system, and interface bindings would be carried over from installer to the installation but would *not* be updated in case of changed network card(s) configuration.
parent 559714a2
......@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ distro/server-nano: distro/.server-base use/bootloader/lilo +power \
@$(call add,BASE_LISTS,$(call tags,server network))
@$(call add,BASE_PACKAGES,dhcpcd cpio)
distro/server-mini: distro/.server-base use/server/mini use/kernel/net \
use/efi use/stage2/net-eth use/power/acpi/button
distro/server-mini: distro/.server-base +net-eth \
use/server/mini use/kernel/net use/efi use/power/acpi/button
@$(call set,INSTALLER,altlinux-server)
@$(call add,BASE_PACKAGES,make-initrd-mdadm make-initrd-lvm)
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