Commit e658262f authored by Andrey Cherepanov's avatar Andrey Cherepanov Committed by Anton Midyukov

Education: add polkit agent for livecd

parent 7269ae14
......@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ endif
@$(call add,MAIN_PACKAGES,lmms)
@$(call set,GLOBAL_LIVE_NO_CLEANUPDB,true)
@$(call add,LIVE_PACKAGES,livecd-timezone)
@$(call add,LIVE_PACKAGES,xfce-polkit)
@$(call add,LIVE_LISTS,slinux/net-base)
@$(call add,LIVE_LISTS,$(call tags,base rescue))
@$(call add,STAGE2_PACKAGES,xorg-conf-libinput-touchpad)
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