Commit f8d1773e authored by Michael Shigorin's avatar Michael Shigorin

vmguest: no-op on non-x86 for now

This might be an overreaction but let's handle non-x86 virtualization on per-case basis. Thanks sbolshakov@ for the notice.
parent 16836362
# x86: various VM guest modules/tools
ifeq (,$(filter-out i586 x86_64,$(ARCH)))
+vmguest: use/vmguest/complete; @:
......@@ -25,3 +28,9 @@ use/vmguest/vmware:
use/vmguest/vmware/x11: use/vmguest/vmware
@$(call add,THE_PACKAGES,xorg-drv-vmware)
+vmguest: ;@:
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