1. 02 Jan, 2012 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      docs: minor updates · e93d6cab
      Michael Shigorin authored
      doc/variables.txt was missing the already-existing BUILDLOG
      variable description, and ARCHES got added during multi-target
      toplevel rewrite.  Other minor fixes come as appropriate.
  2. 16 Dec, 2011 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      initial isohybrid support · 6fadf7e0
      Michael Shigorin authored
      Here we go with postprocessing priorities along the way
      as ISO hybridization has to occur before implanting
      final MD5 sum (which must happen earlier than e.g. some
      external MD5SUM file generation).
      Unfortunately proper dependencies aren't applicable here
      (though I'd like to be proved wrong on this one).
      Please note that this needs propagator > 20101130-alt9
      for automatic mode to work (has also been worked around
      in gfxboot case with design-bootloader-source-6.0-alt1).
      Thanks rom_as@ for asking about the hybrid image status
      and helping out with testing.
  3. 06 Dec, 2011 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      lib/build.mk: add basic CHECK support · 390f4f6b
      Michael Shigorin authored
      The idea is to check:
      - the reachability of every target
        used to build the image in question;
      - the availability of all the package lists
        and subsequently packages for that image;
      - the lack of "dangling" intermediate targets,
        features, pkglists, hooks etc.
      So far only the first step is implemented --
      it's easy and somewhat helpful already for
        make CHECK=1 all
  4. 07 Nov, 2011 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      CLEAN by default (unless DEBUG) · ab70588f
      Michael Shigorin authored
      CLEAN is so useful and fiddling with .work chroots does
      demand knowledge (hsh-shell is handy btw); so unless we
      really get our hands dirty, let's spare ours preciouss
  5. 06 Nov, 2011 2 commits
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      full-view docs update · ddf0c5b7
      Michael Shigorin authored
      - toplevel README received some long-needed refactoring
        + lowlevel detail moved, well, to lowlevel READMEs
      - reflected more thoroughly that m-p is not about distros anymore
      - dropped features.in/00example/README.en: it's already out-of-date
        a bit, and there's no perceived need in thorough English docs so far
      - wiki article got split into parts and somewhat rewritten, links updated
      - mv doc/{CodingStyle,style.txt}
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      introduced NICE variable · cd3e47c5
      Michael Shigorin authored
      This one regulates the build wrapper: if the value is non-empty
      then nice(1) and ionice(1) will be attempted so that the build
      behaves better in regard to other tasks running on the system.
      A few doc/variables.txt updates along the way.
  6. 04 Nov, 2011 13 commits
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      added doc/apt.conf.sample · 08de7149
      Michael Shigorin authored
      Unfortunately apt configuration is not straightforward at all
      regarding being overridden: one can't just provide sources.list
      but needs a corresponding apt.conf along with it, and that apt.conf
      must disable the SysV-style snippet directories to avoid interesting
      side effects of all the things getting overlaid.
      So it's not surprising that torabora has asked for an example...
      (thanks go to boyarsh@ since I asked him for an example long ago)
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      BELL support · 895fae7d
      Michael Shigorin authored
      Implemented opportunistic alarm support as proposed by torabora;
      the actual result depends on readline and/or terminal settings
      (read up on "visual bell" vs "audible bell" in case it's wrong).
      TODO: this ought to be shifted downstream when proper logging
      framework is there.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      official {distro,ve}/* support · d5a5941f
      Michael Shigorin authored
      This is quite a large-scale change since mkimage-profiles got used to
      baking distributions over the last year, and virtual environments are
      quite different, so e.g. image.in/Makefile had to be split in two with
      the main part of it moved into features.in/iso/lib/.
      Short overview:
      - features.in/Makefile: lib/ support
        (supporting VE images requires dynamic modifications
        to image.in/Makefile before starting the build;
        the most natural way to achieve that seems to use
        features mechanism along with makefile include dir)
      - packaging format related part moved into features.in/pack
        (should be better prepared for diversity either)
      - features.in/iso renamed to features.in/build-distro
      - features.in/ve  renamed to features.in/build-ve
        + NB: these could not be merged as e.g. features.in/build
          due to completely different script hooks
      - lib/image.mk renamed to lib/build.mk
      - image, config, log postprocessing moved downstream
      - added a sort of a topping in the form of lib/sugar.mk
      - assorted style fixups (like ifeq usage)
      - clean.mk: reliability fix (the problem was observed by Oleg Ivanov
        and me too but finally it did get the attention quantum)
      - reviewed, updated and extended docs
        + QUICKSTART: should be[come] a step-by-step guide
          (thanks Leo-sp50 for prodiving feedback)
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      wash, rinse, repeat · 720a5796
      Michael Shigorin authored
      install2 cleanups:
      - functionally indifferent ones: particularly, install2/*/98system's
        "mkdir -p /image" was superfluous as it was done by that time already
        by sub.in/stage2/image-scripts.d/00stage1
      - taken apart, prepared for tags: so far it's a mostly moot change
        since the installer cleanup scripts themselves are mostly the same as
        preceding 90cleanup was (with some additions corresponding to recent
        kernel development); it's still unclear what the mechanism for
        configuring the cleanups in effect will be, either directory/package
        regex lists or tagged scripts excluded from execution by yet another tag
      - image.in/Makefile: fix metadata related test; the actual test was
        assuming that stage1 kernel means installer, which is not the case
        since generic stage2 introduction; oh well
      - 85cleanup-lowmem: a "_" too much was the culprit in destroying the
        needed translations along with those deemed superfluous; thanks go to
        Oleg Ivanov and Lenar Shakirov for finding the bug and proposing the
        fix altogether
      - features.in/Makefile: reworked help target; it was rather inaccessible
        due to BUILDDIR normally undefined at the time of direct make
        invocation, and BUILDDIR is normally defined during normal builds
        anyways so let's try it this way.
      - README++
      - 01-genbasedir: we should drop bzip2 compressed pkglists some day
        but see genbasedir and apt-cdrom first, 90-pkg.sh (alterator-pkg)
        will fail miserably otherwise
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      doc/: minor update · ef0d5e15
      Michael Shigorin authored
      Somewhat more uniform style and a few additional bits.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      docs update · fba30e06
      Michael Shigorin authored
      Rather minor fixups for things changed in the meanwhile and not
      yet (re)documented properly; and a change for memtest feature
      to require syslinux feature (the code's been changed to fit
      the updated description, actually, and the change is purely
      formal as no syslinux alternative is being used/planned so far).
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      image.in/vars.mk: dump distcfg variables nicely · 69d5133a
      Michael Shigorin authored
      distcfg.mk is nice for tracing the variable values' build-up,
      but it's more useful to have a look at the final result sometimes.
      So here it is, logged for each build and callable by hand.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      test-based ramdisk size for live squashfs images · 3d10c59d
      Michael Shigorin authored
      Implementation based on m-p-d::profiles/scripts.d/03-syslinux
      (but heavily modified for m-p of course)
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      stage2 based live subprofiles, updated docs · f5a8b893
      Michael Shigorin authored
      - introduced generic stage2 subprofile (non-standalone)
      - ported installer and rescue over to stage2/{install2,rescue}
      - initial stage2/live (needs more work for sure)
      - use make-initrd-propagator
      - updated and somewhat extended doc/
      NB: mind #26133, #26134
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      clean.mk and friends: introduced CLEAN control variable · 878abab5
      Michael Shigorin authored
      make CLEAN=1 will prune workdirs after packing their results,
      so disk (or preferably tmpfs) usage will be lower
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      README updates · c4e0a249
      Michael Shigorin authored
      ...including hasher note, thx m-p-d.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      server-ovz; KDEFAULT; syslinux features reworked · 3f012958
      Michael Shigorin authored
      Renamed server-light.iso into server-ovz.iso to avoid brand dilution
      and confusion (rider@'s server-light rather favours kvm, anyways).
      Introduced KDEFAULT: a reliable default kernel chooser knob
      since apt's regex ordering proved pretty unreliable.
      Spelling things explicitly is better anyways.
      SYSLINUX related features undergone pretty major rewrite
      (that includes syslinux, hdt and memtest).
      The problem to tackle was features.in/syslinux/generate.mk
      assuming syslinux and pciids available in build *host* system;
      this well might not be the case (or worse yet, those can be
      just different).  So now we're a bit less elegant and a bit
      more enterprise, stuffing things into chroot and working there.
      Bunch of other fixes along the road, including ; to name a few:
      - fixed memtest entry (overlooked while renaming SYSLINUX_ITEMS)
      - new and shiny doc/CodingStyle
      - gfxboot, stage1 target chain, hdt tweaks
      - distro.mk rehashed
      - README++
      - TODO: dropped (integer overflow anyways)
        + actually moved off-tree to reduce commit spam
      - s,\.config\.mk,distcfg.mk,g
      - doc/profiles.mk.sample: sample ~/.mkimage/profiles.mk
      - ...and assorted fixups/additions
      Sorry for convoluted commit, this would have been pretty hard to
      rework into some really readable shape (and you might be interested
      in the original repo's history horrors then, anyways).
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      docs day · 9c883d39
      Michael Shigorin authored
      - introduced doc/
      - features.in/00example/
      - READMEs and TODO for more
      - code comments clarified
      Some unrelated minor fixes bundled either.