1. 05 Nov, 2012 3 commits
  2. 31 Oct, 2012 1 commit
  3. 03 Sep, 2012 1 commit
  4. 11 Aug, 2012 2 commits
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      minor documentation facelift · eb3df648
      Michael Shigorin authored
      A few more items were asking for some attention.
      In particular, build examples should start with
      the most basic, error-proof and quick targets.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      doc/qemu.txt: mostly automated · d646e719
      Michael Shigorin authored
      This part of docs was pleading to put it into a small shell
      script; it was done to facilitate kas@' debugging efforts
      so that qemu-system-ppc might eventually get fixed, thus
      livecd-qemu-arch package now "obsoletes" this file.
  5. 06 Aug, 2012 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      image.in/Makefile: support image STATUS · 0d859e70
      Michael Shigorin authored
      Another feature suggested by Michael Radyuk (torabora):
      some images are known alpha/beta quality, it's more handy
      to just state this at the build time than to rename by hand.
  6. 30 Jul, 2012 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      lib/clean.mk: post-build cleanup revisited · 3a8af6b5
      Michael Shigorin authored
      The prerequisites for a cleanup after a successful build
      were somewhat weird at this point; now the rules are:
      - if DEBUG level is more than 1 or CHECK is set, don't do it;
      - otherwise if at least one of the following conditions is true:
        + there's more than one target being built in a row;
        + the build was run by e.g. alterator-mkimage;
        + metaprofile directory is read only
        ...then do a distclean.
      If these are still weird or feel unsuitable for profile hacking,
      drop me a note (or a patch).
  7. 16 Jul, 2012 2 commits
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      initial PowerPC support · 1ee997e8
      Michael Shigorin authored
      As it happens, adding another architecture required almost no changes;
      native 32-bit ppc build took only ARCH and a repo, qemu-ppc one still
      has problems (/.host/entry hangs while unpacking setup for fakedata).
      Proof of concept on a QS22:
        $ make ve/bare.tar.gz
        ** ARCH: ppc
        /bin/sh: rpmvercmp: command not found
        21:41:01 cleaning up
        21:41:03 initializing BUILDDIR: build/
        21:41:03 preparing distro config
        21:41:05 starting image build (coffee time)
        21:42:48 done (1:42)
        ** image: $TMP/out/bare-20120716-ppc.tar.gz [21M]
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      non-native ARM support via qemu · d31a2555
      Michael Shigorin authored
      mkimage and hasher can make use of qemu to run
      non-native binaries while working on the chroots;
      thanks kas@, manowar@ and sbolshakov@ for implementing
      this functionality as well as providing nice examples
      through mkimage-profiles-arm and mkimage-profile-armrootfs.
      This required the architecture check to be added since baking
      a tarball with "arm" as its specified arch and x86_64 inside
      isn't particularly good thing to let slip through; however
      the implementation is quite fragile, bugreports and patches
      are seriously welcome.
      NB: APTCONF evaluation order between lazy make and nimble shell
      turned out to be quite a delicate issue in this particular case.
  8. 09 Jul, 2012 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      initial native ARM support · 3c26cc86
      Michael Shigorin authored
      The only thing to be fixed was setarch(8) symlinks assumption
      that is correct for x86 but not for ARM.
      There's also some hasher(7) setup to be done:
        mkdir -p ~/.hasher
        echo >> ~/.hasher/config <<-EOF
        #cache_dir=$HOME/tmp	# depends on RAM/storage configuration
      ...and of course apt(8) should be properly set up too.
      An example PoC build on a CM-A510 board (tmpfs):
        $ make BRANDING=altlinux-centaurus ve/bare.tar.gz
        ** ARCH: arm
        18:10:45 initializing BUILDDIR: build/
        18:10:45 preparing distro config: build/distcfg.mk
        18:10:46 starting image build: tail -f build/build.log
        18:14:49 done (4:02)
        ** image: $TMP/out/bare-20120706-arm.tar.gz [23M]
  9. 25 Jun, 2012 2 commits
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      docs updated · f8af1c92
      Michael Shigorin authored
      Minor tweaks to toplevel docs as well as some doc/*.txt,
      doc/variables.txt renamed to doc/params.txt, and a brand new
      doc/pkglists.txt is added (thanks manowar@ for his considerations).
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      initial specific VM formats support · 8a04d9b6
      Michael Shigorin authored
      Raw disk images are convenient and universal
      but there are custom formats like Qemu's qcow2
      providing additional features, e.g. copy-on-write
      or space savings.  All of this ultimately belongs
      to mkimage but in the mean time has been implemented
      here as well.
  10. 18 Jun, 2012 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      initial build-vm feature · 75f7c62b
      Michael Shigorin authored
      Yes, mkimage-profiles is now able to build VM disk images.
      So far the support is pretty basic:
      - a single hard drive image with a single partition/FS
      - only stock root password is configurable
      - LILO is hardwired as a bootloader
      The resulting images tend to boot under qemu/kvm though.
      Please see doc/vm.txt for the warning regarding additional
      privileges and setup required.  This was started back in
      February but I still hoped to avoid sudo/privileged helper
      (and libguestfs is almost as undistributable as can be)...
      - http://blog.quinthar.com/2008/07/building-1gb-bootable-qemu-image-using.html
      - Alexey Morarash who reworked that as https://github.com/tuxofil/linsygen
      - led@, legion@, vitty@, aen@ for providing advice and inspiration
  11. 21 May, 2012 3 commits
  12. 23 Apr, 2012 2 commits
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      better output directory and results structuring · 6e6f572b
      Michael Shigorin authored
      Following m-p-d, a more involved default output directory
      structure is feasible now:
      instead of plain
      This particular behaviour can be achieved by passing
      SORTDIR='$(IMAGE_NAME)/$(DATE)'; note the single quotes.
      Reports are also saved in this resulting structure
      albeit the place is still highly debatable.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      reports.mk: added reports/scripts · 6ada32dc
      Michael Shigorin authored
      This one extracts the exact time-ordered list of script hooks
      run while building the image.
      Some commons refactoring is also due.
  13. 09 Apr, 2012 2 commits
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      doc/variables.txt: ARCHES explained · acaf12c3
      Michael Shigorin authored
      Multiple ARCHES won't just magically work without
      the ability to figure out the correct apt.conf;
      fortunately there's just the right example handy
      in profiles.mk.sample already.
      Thanks glebfm@ for feedback.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      stage2: tunable squashfs compression · fe58c46e
      Michael Shigorin authored
      The existing implementation would handle kernel differences
      just fine but a bit too automatically: if it sees xz support,
      that's what will end up being used (and if there's -Xbcj binary
      compression filter available for the target platform, it will
      be applied unequivocally either).
      It's perfectly suitabe for getting fine-tuned release images
      but is also a bit too resource-consuming while developing the
      image configuration which has no business with its compression.
      The one and only knob is SQUASHFS (see doc/variables.txt);
      to give an idea of the differences, here are some numbers
      for a mostly-binary (43% as per 99-elf-stats) webkiosk livecd
      and a rather less so (18%) flightgear one on a dual quad-core
      X5570 node (each mksquashfs run used up all the cores):
      SQUASHFS | live-webkiosk.iso | live-flightgear.iso
      fast     | 3:30 / 130M       | 5:11 / 852M
      normal * | 3:37 / 100M       | 5:35 / 688M
      tight    | 3:50 / 98M        | 6:47 / 683M
      Thus if the knob isn't fiddled with, the defaults will allow
      for a reasonably fast build of a pretty slim image; if one is
      building a release or if a particular image is very sensitive
      being close to the media capacity then just add SQUASHFS=tight
      and see it a percent or two down on size.
      Please note that lzo/gzip-compressed images are also quicker
      to uncompress thus further helping with test iterations.
      Thanks to led@ and glebfm@ for helpful hints and questions.
  14. 02 Apr, 2012 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      docs update · 74d1e45a
      Michael Shigorin authored
      Status updates and readability tweaks all over the place.
  15. 31 Mar, 2012 2 commits
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      live: introduce homepage redirector knobs · 3d649db6
      Michael Shigorin authored
      There are three more variables to adjust the redirect page:
      HOMEPAGE, HOMENAME and HOMEWAIT; e.g. live-webkiosk is now
      quite a bit more whitelabel.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      syslinux configuration revisited · b5e6906b
      Michael Shigorin authored
      - incompatible change (to fix the rather broken early style):
        use/syslinux/ui-% is now use/syslinux/ui/%;
      - default timeout changed to 9 seconds (long enough and keeps
        the countdown in a single figure);
      - added totaltimeout of 300 seconds;
      - provided live kiosk images with almost-instant boot by default;
      ...and some other assorted tweaks here and there, sorry.
  16. 19 Mar, 2012 1 commit
  17. 18 Feb, 2012 1 commit
  18. 07 Feb, 2012 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      image.in/Makefile: introduced save-profile · 4355f401
      Michael Shigorin authored
      From now on, non-empty SAVE_PROFILE variable will indicate
      the need to carry the particular generated profile inside
      the image built from it.
      Thanks gns@ for this feature in liveflash.eeepc.
  19. 02 Jan, 2012 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      docs: minor updates · e93d6cab
      Michael Shigorin authored
      doc/variables.txt was missing the already-existing BUILDLOG
      variable description, and ARCHES got added during multi-target
      toplevel rewrite.  Other minor fixes come as appropriate.
  20. 16 Dec, 2011 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      initial isohybrid support · 6fadf7e0
      Michael Shigorin authored
      Here we go with postprocessing priorities along the way
      as ISO hybridization has to occur before implanting
      final MD5 sum (which must happen earlier than e.g. some
      external MD5SUM file generation).
      Unfortunately proper dependencies aren't applicable here
      (though I'd like to be proved wrong on this one).
      Please note that this needs propagator > 20101130-alt9
      for automatic mode to work (has also been worked around
      in gfxboot case with design-bootloader-source-6.0-alt1).
      Thanks rom_as@ for asking about the hybrid image status
      and helping out with testing.
  21. 06 Dec, 2011 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      lib/build.mk: add basic CHECK support · 390f4f6b
      Michael Shigorin authored
      The idea is to check:
      - the reachability of every target
        used to build the image in question;
      - the availability of all the package lists
        and subsequently packages for that image;
      - the lack of "dangling" intermediate targets,
        features, pkglists, hooks etc.
      So far only the first step is implemented --
      it's easy and somewhat helpful already for
        make CHECK=1 all
  22. 07 Nov, 2011 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      CLEAN by default (unless DEBUG) · ab70588f
      Michael Shigorin authored
      CLEAN is so useful and fiddling with .work chroots does
      demand knowledge (hsh-shell is handy btw); so unless we
      really get our hands dirty, let's spare ours preciouss
  23. 06 Nov, 2011 2 commits
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      full-view docs update · ddf0c5b7
      Michael Shigorin authored
      - toplevel README received some long-needed refactoring
        + lowlevel detail moved, well, to lowlevel READMEs
      - reflected more thoroughly that m-p is not about distros anymore
      - dropped features.in/00example/README.en: it's already out-of-date
        a bit, and there's no perceived need in thorough English docs so far
      - wiki article got split into parts and somewhat rewritten, links updated
      - mv doc/{CodingStyle,style.txt}
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      introduced NICE variable · cd3e47c5
      Michael Shigorin authored
      This one regulates the build wrapper: if the value is non-empty
      then nice(1) and ionice(1) will be attempted so that the build
      behaves better in regard to other tasks running on the system.
      A few doc/variables.txt updates along the way.
  24. 04 Nov, 2011 6 commits
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      added doc/apt.conf.sample · 08de7149
      Michael Shigorin authored
      Unfortunately apt configuration is not straightforward at all
      regarding being overridden: one can't just provide sources.list
      but needs a corresponding apt.conf along with it, and that apt.conf
      must disable the SysV-style snippet directories to avoid interesting
      side effects of all the things getting overlaid.
      So it's not surprising that torabora has asked for an example...
      (thanks go to boyarsh@ since I asked him for an example long ago)
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      BELL support · 895fae7d
      Michael Shigorin authored
      Implemented opportunistic alarm support as proposed by torabora;
      the actual result depends on readline and/or terminal settings
      (read up on "visual bell" vs "audible bell" in case it's wrong).
      TODO: this ought to be shifted downstream when proper logging
      framework is there.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      official {distro,ve}/* support · d5a5941f
      Michael Shigorin authored
      This is quite a large-scale change since mkimage-profiles got used to
      baking distributions over the last year, and virtual environments are
      quite different, so e.g. image.in/Makefile had to be split in two with
      the main part of it moved into features.in/iso/lib/.
      Short overview:
      - features.in/Makefile: lib/ support
        (supporting VE images requires dynamic modifications
        to image.in/Makefile before starting the build;
        the most natural way to achieve that seems to use
        features mechanism along with makefile include dir)
      - packaging format related part moved into features.in/pack
        (should be better prepared for diversity either)
      - features.in/iso renamed to features.in/build-distro
      - features.in/ve  renamed to features.in/build-ve
        + NB: these could not be merged as e.g. features.in/build
          due to completely different script hooks
      - lib/image.mk renamed to lib/build.mk
      - image, config, log postprocessing moved downstream
      - added a sort of a topping in the form of lib/sugar.mk
      - assorted style fixups (like ifeq usage)
      - clean.mk: reliability fix (the problem was observed by Oleg Ivanov
        and me too but finally it did get the attention quantum)
      - reviewed, updated and extended docs
        + QUICKSTART: should be[come] a step-by-step guide
          (thanks Leo-sp50 for prodiving feedback)
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      wash, rinse, repeat · 720a5796
      Michael Shigorin authored
      install2 cleanups:
      - functionally indifferent ones: particularly, install2/*/98system's
        "mkdir -p /image" was superfluous as it was done by that time already
        by sub.in/stage2/image-scripts.d/00stage1
      - taken apart, prepared for tags: so far it's a mostly moot change
        since the installer cleanup scripts themselves are mostly the same as
        preceding 90cleanup was (with some additions corresponding to recent
        kernel development); it's still unclear what the mechanism for
        configuring the cleanups in effect will be, either directory/package
        regex lists or tagged scripts excluded from execution by yet another tag
      - image.in/Makefile: fix metadata related test; the actual test was
        assuming that stage1 kernel means installer, which is not the case
        since generic stage2 introduction; oh well
      - 85cleanup-lowmem: a "_" too much was the culprit in destroying the
        needed translations along with those deemed superfluous; thanks go to
        Oleg Ivanov and Lenar Shakirov for finding the bug and proposing the
        fix altogether
      - features.in/Makefile: reworked help target; it was rather inaccessible
        due to BUILDDIR normally undefined at the time of direct make
        invocation, and BUILDDIR is normally defined during normal builds
        anyways so let's try it this way.
      - README++
      - 01-genbasedir: we should drop bzip2 compressed pkglists some day
        but see genbasedir and apt-cdrom first, 90-pkg.sh (alterator-pkg)
        will fail miserably otherwise
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      doc/: minor update · ef0d5e15
      Michael Shigorin authored
      Somewhat more uniform style and a few additional bits.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      docs update · fba30e06
      Michael Shigorin authored
      Rather minor fixups for things changed in the meanwhile and not
      yet (re)documented properly; and a change for memtest feature
      to require syslinux feature (the code's been changed to fit
      the updated description, actually, and the change is purely
      formal as no syslinux alternative is being used/planned so far).