1. 14 Nov, 2014 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      lib/functions.mk: tiny but important note · c293dd14
      Michael Shigorin authored
      There's a particular problem with lazy evaluation
      in case of BOOT_LANG: mkimage uses internal variable,
      BOOT_LANG = $(GLOBAL_BOOT_LANG) (note the lack of
      immediate assignment there), and if we set up
        export GLOBAL_BOOT_LANG = $(BOOT_LANG)
      in the same namespace we end up with recursively
      defined pair of variables; a ":=" in either place
      would save the day _but_ it's not there in m-p due to
      accumulator variables, e.g. USERS, which are defined
      and exported by a corresponding feature and then get
      populated *after* having been declared for export,
      _and_ it's not in mkimage as of 0.2.16 for some reason
      that might even be good (I don't know yet).
  2. 12 Nov, 2014 1 commit
  3. 10 Nov, 2014 2 commits
  4. 06 Nov, 2014 1 commit
  5. 31 Oct, 2014 1 commit
  6. 29 Oct, 2014 3 commits
  7. 27 Oct, 2014 5 commits
  8. 24 Oct, 2014 2 commits
  9. 14 Oct, 2014 2 commits
  10. 13 Oct, 2014 2 commits
  11. 12 Oct, 2014 2 commits
  12. 10 Oct, 2014 3 commits
  13. 07 Oct, 2014 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      initial desktop+xfce+extra · f24314bb
      Michael Shigorin authored
      xfdashboard is a GNOME Shell-like window switching interface
      and application runner; xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin is another
      (KDE-like) menu search facility; thanks sem@ for suggestions.
  14. 05 Oct, 2014 2 commits
  15. 29 Sep, 2014 5 commits
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      gear-store-tags · 57f9c1df
      Michael Shigorin authored
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      1.1.48-alt1 · a4d239af
      Michael Shigorin authored
      - (sysv)init: exclude systemd explicitly
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      vm.mk: added a note to bare one · 0e0f1e06
      Michael Shigorin authored
      It's not as bare as it should be due to interactivesystem
      being slightly more than it ought to.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      init: ban systemd when sysvinit has been requested · 62e7e9c1
      Michael Shigorin authored
      The issue at hand is that interactivesystem pulls in
      network-config-subsystem and that one has several providers
      by now, systemd-networkd being one of them since recently
      (and pulling in systemd).
      Just the same problem as with systemd-journal; both might be
      fixed by reworking mkimage to allow for different package name
      resolution modes:
      - "slap everything together and resolve with one-shot"
        to handle conflictless situations (most of those);
      - "process multiple transactions to allow for conflicts"
        thus making it possible to include e.g. a few MTAs into
        the provided package base.
      Ensure that systemd is outside by explicitly telling so
      in the pkglist.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      live.mk: added live-webkiosk-qupzilla · ace7a118
      Michael Shigorin authored
      ...and factored out common gtk subtarget removing qt
      (it's not exactly helpful to drop a library your browser
      is based on in qupzilla case).
  16. 26 Sep, 2014 1 commit
  17. 23 Sep, 2014 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      x11: disable acpid for e19 · 3fc56a10
      Michael Shigorin authored
      E19 would ask the user if they want to shut down
      when facing power button event; it won't get a chance
      though as the system will hurl down immediately as per
      acpid-events-power package provided configuration.
  18. 22 Sep, 2014 3 commits
  19. 19 Sep, 2014 2 commits