• Michael Shigorin's avatar
    bin/archdep-filter: implement multi-matching · 2bc28a9c
    Michael Shigorin authored
    This has been inspired by a few commits that cared
    for package availability reasons on a particular
    architecture; the problem at hand is that pkglists
    might need to include groups of packages that are
    (un)available on groups of arches, and tackling that
    with plain pkg@arch just results in combinatorial
    explosion of that matrix.
    Arches are handled one-by-one with a few hardcoded
    macro substitutions.
    Exploding a "pkg@arch1,arch2" string into a set of:
    with subsequent archdep pruning would do the trick;
    so here's another sed oneliner that does just that:
    $ echo 'pkg@X86,ARM,ppc64le' |
      sed -r ':loop; s/^((([^@]+@)[^,]+)+),([^,]+)/\1\n\3\4/; t loop'
    See-also: 9601a9e7
    See-also: 5581dc91
    See-also: http://stackoverflow.com/a/55781741/561921
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