• Anton Midyukov's avatar
    1.4.8-alt1 · b9de6969
    Anton Midyukov authored
    - Set BOOT_TYPE, BOOTLOADER to efiboot for aarch64 (needed mkimage 1.38)
    - 'Simply Linux 9.1 (beta)' commits contained (Thanks sem@)
    - mipsel-bfk3: Switch to 5.4 kernel, other changes (Thanks iv@)
    - oem: Add use/oem/distro
    - uboot: Drop BOOTARGS cma=192M
    - net: Added switch between NetworkManager (etcnet) and NetworkManager (native)
      Assigned by default NetworkManager (etcnet)
    - x11: Not add use/drm to use/x11
    - efi: Add check EFIVAR_FS option
    - sound/base: Add test-audio
    - armh-mcom02: set screen resolution 1366x768
    - realtime.mk: Refactoring, drop live with session support
    - engineering.mk: Switch to MATE
    - x11: Reduce size of kde5
    - regular-vm.mk: Set as default un-def kernel flavour, drop lts kernel flavour
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