• Michael Shigorin's avatar
    non-native ARM support via qemu · d31a2555
    Michael Shigorin authored
    mkimage and hasher can make use of qemu to run
    non-native binaries while working on the chroots;
    thanks kas@, manowar@ and sbolshakov@ for implementing
    this functionality as well as providing nice examples
    through mkimage-profiles-arm and mkimage-profile-armrootfs.
    This required the architecture check to be added since baking
    a tarball with "arm" as its specified arch and x86_64 inside
    isn't particularly good thing to let slip through; however
    the implementation is quite fragile, bugreports and patches
    are seriously welcome.
    NB: APTCONF evaluation order between lazy make and nimble shell
    turned out to be quite a delicate issue in this particular case.
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