Commit e402bb97 authored by Artem Zolochevskiy's avatar Artem Zolochevskiy

initial commit

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FROM fotengauer/altlinux-sisyphus
RUN apt-get -qq update \
&& apt-get -qq install hasher su \
&& apt-get -qq clean \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
&& mkdir /var/lib/apt/lists/partial \
&& useradd user \
&& hasher-useradd user \
&& su -l -c "mkdir ~/hasher" user
CMD ["/bin/su", "-", "user"]
# About this Repo
This is the Git repo of the Docker [azol/altlinux-sisyphus-hasher]( image. See [the Docker Hub page]( for the full readme on how to use this Docker image.
[Hasher]( is modern safe package building technology.
Hasher is modern safe package building technology.
# What is hasher?
hasher is a tool for building packages in a safe and reproducible manner. All packages in [Sisyphus]( repository are built using hasher.
hasher is similar to earlier ApplianceWare/ALT Linux [sandman](, Debian [sbuild]([pbuilder]( and also later Fedora [mock](, but unlike the mentioned tools it is designed and implemented with security in mind. hasher prevents interaction between package being built and host system and also between packages being built.
It's included into [builder starterkit]( ready-to-use.
# How to use this image
$ docker run -it --name some-hasher azol/altlinux-sisyphus-hasher
Build packages:
[hasher documentation](
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