Commit 085f8a4f authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller Committed by Mike Gabriel

nxcompshad: delete trailing whitespace

parent 506378cf
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ int CorePoller::isChanged(int (*checkIfInputCallback)(void *), void *arg, int *s
// In order to allow this function to
// be suspended and resumed later, we
// need to save these two status vars.
static int idxIlace = 0;
static int curLine = 0;
......@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ char *Poller::getRect(XRectangle r)
image_ -> width = r.width;
image_ -> height = r.height;
image_ -> height = r.height;
image_ -> bytes_per_line = ROUNDUP((image_ -> bits_per_pixel * image_ -> width), image_ -> bitmap_pad);
......@@ -1155,11 +1155,11 @@ SendKeycode:
if (XKeysymToKeycode(event -> xkey.display, XK_A) != keycode)
KeySym keysym = XKeycodeToKeysym(event -> xkey.display, event -> xkey.keycode, 0);
if (keysym == XK_Mode_switch || keysym == XK_ISO_Level3_Shift)
logUser("Poller::handleKeyboardEvent: keysym [%x].\n", (unsigned int)keysym);
if (XKeycodeToKeysym(display_, 113, 0) == XK_ISO_Level3_Shift ||
(XKeycodeToKeysym(display_, 124, 0) == XK_ISO_Level3_Shift))
......@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@ SendKeycode:
event -> xkey.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(display_, XK_Mode_switch);
logUser("Poller::handleKeyboardEvent: keycode translated to [%x].\n", (unsigned int)event -> xkey.keycode);
......@@ -1503,7 +1503,7 @@ void Poller::updateDamagedAreas(void)
int i;
int y;
for (i = 0; i < lastUpdatedRegion_ -> numRects; i++)
boxPtr = lastUpdatedRegion_ -> rects + i;
......@@ -1515,7 +1515,7 @@ void Poller::updateDamagedAreas(void)
image_ -> bytes_per_line =
ROUNDUP((image_ -> bits_per_pixel * image_ -> width),
image_ -> bitmap_pad);
if (XShmGetImage(display_, DefaultRootWindow(display_), image_,
boxPtr -> x1, boxPtr -> y1, AllPlanes) == 0)
......@@ -1554,7 +1554,7 @@ void Poller::updateDamagedAreas(void)
update(image_ -> data + y * image_ -> bytes_per_line, rectangle);
if (shmExtension_ != 1)
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