Commit 1251e834 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller

Rootless.c: prevent PVS error

"V547 Expression 'wmHints.input == 1' is always true."
parent c1cae3c6
......@@ -502,7 +502,8 @@ int nxagentExportProperty(WindowPtr pWin,
nxagentPropWMHints propHints = {
.flags = wmHints.flags,
.input = (wmHints.input == True ? 1 : 0),
/*.input = (wmHints.input == True ? 1 : 0), is always True*/
.input = 1,
.initialState = wmHints.initial_state,
.iconPixmap = wmHints.icon_pixmap,
.iconWindow = wmHints.icon_window,
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