Commit 283e4523 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller Committed by Mike Gabriel

NXevents.c: add some explanations from the original changelog

parent 6ed435e4
......@@ -192,6 +192,15 @@ ActivatePointerGrab(register DeviceIntPtr mouse, register GrabPtr grab,
if (nxagentOption(Rootless) == 1)
* from nxagent-1.5.0-20 changelog:
* In rootless mode, grabs exported to X in
* ActivatePointerGrab() are always made asynchronous. The
* synchronous behaviour is implemented by the agent, so that
* requiring a further synchronous grab down to the real X
* server is of little use and potentially harmful.
* FIXME: We should use the correct value for the
* cursor. Temporarily we set it to None.
......@@ -216,6 +225,15 @@ DeactivatePointerGrab(register DeviceIntPtr mouse)
* excerpt from nxagent-1.5.0-20 changelog:
* In DeactivatePointerGrab() function, mouse button state is set
* to up if the window entered by the pointer is the root window
* and the agent is in rootless mode. This change is needed
* because the subsequent KeyRelease event could be not received
* by the agent (for example if the focus had left the window), so
* that agent could be unable to update the mouse button state.
if (nxagentOption(Rootless) == 1)
XUngrabPointer(nxagentDisplay, CurrentTime);
......@@ -260,13 +278,27 @@ ProcAllowEvents(register ClientPtr client)
static WindowPtr
GetXYStartWindow(WindowPtr pWin)
if (nxagentOption(Rootless))
* explanation from the original changelog for nxagent-1.5.0-20:
* Modified function XYToWindow() in order to manage the case
* that mouse pointer is located on the title bar of a top level
* window in rootless mode.
if (nxagentLastEnteredWindow == NULL)
return ROOT;
* explanation from the original changelog for nxagent-1.5.0-17:
* In rootless mode, now function XYToWindow() starts search from
* the last window originated an EnterNotify event. In this way, we
* can prevent shaded windows from getting mouse events.
pWin = ROOT->lastChild;
while (pWin && pWin != ROOT->firstChild && pWin != nxagentLastEnteredWindow)
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