Commit 85d0717b authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller Committed by Mike Gabriel

Atoms.c: remove one obsolete FIXME

The FIXME just described what the following function actually implements...
parent 27e8913a
......@@ -436,11 +436,10 @@ static void nxagentWriteAtom(Atom local, XlibAtom remote, const char *string, Bo
* FIXME: We should clean up the atom map at nxagent reset, in order
* to cancel all the local atoms but still maintaining the Xserver
* values and the atom names.
* Clean up the atom map at nxagent reset, in order to cancel all the
* local atoms but still maintaining the Xserver values and the atom
* names. This is called from Dispatch()
void nxagentResetAtomMap(void)
nxagentPrintAtomMapInfo("nxagentResetAtomMap: Entering");
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