Commit b39ec4c4 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller

Keystroke.c: improve TEST output

parent 93a360c5
......@@ -420,14 +420,14 @@ Bool nxagentCheckSpecialKeystroke(XKeyEvent *X, enum HandleEventResult *result)
enum nxagentSpecialKeystroke stroke = find_keystroke(X);
*result = doNothing;
if (stroke == KEYSTROKE_NOTHING)
return False;
#ifdef TEST
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentCheckSpecialKeystroke: got code %x - state %x - stroke %d\n",
X -> keycode, X -> state, stroke);
if (stroke == KEYSTROKE_NOTHING)
return False;
* Check special keys.
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