Commit b91b13b3 authored by Mihai Moldovan's avatar Mihai Moldovan

Makefile: only try to copy/dereference libNX* files when installing data.

parent ecaa13ce
......@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ install-full:
cp -aL nx-X11/exports/include/* nx-X11/.build-exports/include
# copy libs (for libnx-x11), we want the targets of the links
.; set -x; find nx-X11/exports/lib/ | grep -F ".so" | while read libpath; do \
.; set -x; find nx-X11/exports/lib/ -name "libNX*.so" | while read libpath; do \
libfile=$$(basename $$libpath); \
libdir=$$(dirname $$libpath); \
link=$$(readlink $$libpath); \
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