Commit eef306c2 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller Committed by Mike Gabriel

manpage: document defaults for options -defer and -tile

parent 35556cac
......@@ -539,7 +539,9 @@ allowed to change the keyboard settings through XKEYBOARD.
.TP 8
.B \-tile WxH
maximum size of the tile used when sending an image to the remote
display (minimum allowed: 32x32; no default)
display (minimum allowed: 32x32). The default depends on the link
type: 64x64 for \fImodem\fR and \fIisdn\fR, 4096x4096 for all other
link types)
.TP 8
.B \-irlimit
maximum image data rate to the encoder input in kB/s. The default is no limit.
......@@ -755,21 +757,29 @@ The default value can be set via the command line (\-defer). The value
provided as nx/nx option is set when resuming a session, thus it
overrides the command line default.
The default depends on the link type (see man nxproxy).
Each defer level adds the following rules to the previous ones:
.RS 8
.TP 8
.I 0
Eager encoding.
Default for link speed \fIlan\fR and \fIlocal\fR.
.TP 8
.I 1
No data is put or copied on pixmaps, marking them always as corrupted
and synchronizing them on demand, i.e. when a copy area to a window is
requested, the source is synchronized before copying it.
Default for link speed \fIwan\fR.
.TP 8
.I 2
The put images over the windows are skipped marking the destination as
corrupted. The same happens for copy area and composite operations,
spreading the corrupted regions of involved drawables.
Default for link speed \fIadsl\fR, \fIisdn\fR and \fImodem\fR.
.TP 8
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