general.html.tmpl 3.06 KB
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[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  # file, You can obtain one at
5 6
  # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
  # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

   title = "General"
   desc = "Miscellaneous general settings that are not required." 

[% param_descs = {
  maintainer => 
    "The email address of the person who maintains this installation "
    _ " of Bugzilla.",
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

  utf8 => 
    "Use UTF-8 (Unicode) encoding for all text in ${terms.Bugzilla}. New"
    _ " installations should set this to true to avoid character encoding"
    _ " problems. <strong>Existing databases should set this to true"
    _ " only after the data has been converted from existing legacy"
    _ " character encodings to UTF-8, using the <kbd>contrib/</kbd>"
    _ " script</strong>."
    _ " <p>Note that if you turn this parameter from &quot;off&quot; to"
    _ " &quot;on&quot;, you must re-run <kbd></kbd> immediately"
28 29 30
    _ " afterward.</p>",

  shutdownhtml => 
    "If this field is non-empty, then Bugzilla will be completely"
32 33 34 35
    _ " disabled and this text will be displayed instead of all the"
    _ " $terms.Bugzilla pages.",

  announcehtml => 
    "If this field is non-empty, then Bugzilla will"
37 38 39
    _ " display whatever is in this field at the top of every"
    _ " HTML page. The HTML you put in this field is not wrapped or"
    _ " enclosed in anything. You might want to wrap it inside a"
    _ "<code>&lt;div&gt;</code>. Give the div <em>id=\"message\"</em> to get"
41 42
    _ " green text inside a red box, or <em>class=\"bz_private\"</em> for"
    _ " dark red on a red background.  Anything defined in "
    _ " <code>skins/standard/global.css</code> or <code>skins/custom/global.css</code>"
    _ " will work.  To get centered text, use <em>class=\"center\"</em>.",
45 46

  upgrade_notification => 
    "Bugzilla can inform you when a new release is available."
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
    _ " The notification will appear on the $terms.Bugzilla homepage,"
    _ " for administrators only."
    _ " <ul><li>'development_snapshot' notifies you about the development "
    _ " snapshot that has been released.</li>"
    _ " <li>'latest_stable_release' notifies you about the most recent"
    _ " release available on the most recent stable branch. This branch"
    _ " may be different from the branch your installation is based on.</li>"
    _ " <li>'stable_branch_release' notifies you only about new releases"
    _ " corresponding to the branch your installation is based on."
    _ " If you are running a release candidate, you will get a notification"
    _ " for newer release candidates too.</li>"
    _ " <li>'disabled' will never notify you about new releases and no"
    _ " connection will be established to a remote server.</li></ul>"
    _ " <p>Note that if your Bugzilla server requires a proxy to"
    _ " access the Internet, you may also need to set the <var>proxy_url</var>"
63 64
    _ " parameter in the Advanced section.</p>",
} %]