Newer Older
1 2 3
This is Bugzilla.  See <>.

4 5 6

   This is not very well packaged code.  It's not packaged at all.  Don't
come here expecting something you plop in a directory, twiddle a few
10 11 12
things, and you're off and using it.  Work has to be done to get there.  
We'd like to get there, but it wasn't clear when that would be, and so we
decided to let people see it first.

14 15 16 17
   Bugzilla has not undergone a complete security review. Security holes
may exist in the code. Great care should be taken both in the installation
and usage of this software. Carefully consider the implications of
installing other network services with Bugzilla.
18 19

20 21 22

24 25 26 27 28 29 30
0. Introduction

   Installation of bugzilla is pretty straight forward, especially if your
machine already has MySQL and the MySQL-related perl packages installed.
If those aren't installed yet, then that's the first order of business.  The
other necessary ingredient is a web server set up to run cgi scripts.

31 32 33 34 35 36 37
   Bugzilla has been successfully installed under Solaris and Linux. Windows NT
is not officially supported. There have been a few successful installations
of Bugzilla under Windows NT. Please see this article for a discussion of what
one person hacked together to get it to work.


38 39 40 41
1. Installing the Prerequisites

   The software packages necessary for the proper running of bugzilla are:

        1. MySQL database server and the mysql client (3.22.5 or greater)
43 44 45
        2. Perl (5.004 or greater)
        3. DBI Perl module 
        4. Data::Dumper Perl module
        5. DBD::mySQL 
        6. TimeDate Perl module collection
48 49
        7. GD perl module (1.8.3)
        8. Chart::Base Perl module (0.99c)
        9. The web server of your choice
51 52 53 54

   Bugzilla has quite a few prerequisites, but none of them are TCL.
Previous versions required TCL, but it no longer needed (or used).

55 56 57
   You must also run Bugzilla on a filesystem that supports file locking via
flock(). This is necessary for Bugzilla to operate safely with multiple instances.

1.1. Getting and setting up MySQL database (3.22.5 or greater)
59 60

   Visit MySQL homepage at and grab the latest stable
61 62 63 64 65 66
release of the server.  Both binaries and source are available and which
you get shouldn't matter.  Be aware that many of the binary versions
of MySQL store their data files in /var which on many installations
(particularly common with linux installations) is part of a smaller
root partition.  If you decide to build from sources you can easily set
the dataDir as an option to configure.
67 68 69 70 71

  If you've installed from source or non-package (RPM, deb, etc.) binaries
you'll want to make sure to add mysqld to your init scripts so the server
daemon will come back up whenever your machine reboots.

72 73 74 75 76 77
  You also may want to edit those init scripts, to make sure that
mysqld will accept large packets.  By default, mysqld is set up to only
accept packets up to 64K long.  This limits the size of attachments you
may put on bugs.  If you add something like "-O max_allowed_packet=1M"
to the command that starts mysqld (or safe_mysqld), then you will be
able to have attachments up to about 1 megabyte.

79 80 81 82 83 84
1.2. Perl (5.004 or greater)

  Any machine that doesn't have perl on it is a sad machine indeed.  Perl
for *nix systems can be gotten in source form from

  Perl is now a far cry from the the single compiler/interpreter binary it
85 86 87 88 89 90 91
once was. It now includes a great many required modules and quite a
few other support files.  If you're not up to or not inclined to build
perl from source, you'll want to install it on your machine using some
sort of packaging system (be it RPM, deb, or what have you) to ensure
a sane install.  In the subsequent sections you'll be installing quite
a few perl modules; this can be quite ornery if your perl installation
isn't up to snuff.
92 93 94 95 96

1.3. DBI Perl module

   The DBI module is a generic Perl module used by other database related
Perl modules.  For our purposes it's required by the MySQL-related
97 98
modules.  As long as your Perl installation was done correctly the
DBI module should be a breeze.  It's a mixed Perl/C module, but Perl's
99 100 101 102
MakeMaker system simplifies the C compilation greatly.

  Like almost all Perl modules DBI can be found on the Comprehensive Perl
Archive Network (CPAN) at .  The CPAN servers have a
103 104
real tendency to bog down, so please use mirrors.  The current location
at the time of this writing (02/17/99) can be found in Appendix A.
105 106

  Quality, general Perl module installation instructions can be found on
107 108
the CPAN website, but the easy thing to do is to just use the CPAN shell
which does all the hard work for you
109 110 111 112

To use the CPAN shell to install DBI:

               1. Type perl -MCPAN -e 'install "DBI"'
113 114
(replace DBI with the name of the module you wish to install, Data::Dumper,
115 116

To do it the hard way:

118 119 120 121 122 123
        1. Untar the module tarball -- it should create its own directory
        2. Enter the following commands:
                perl Makefile.PL
                make test
                make install
124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135

   If everything went ok that should be all it takes.  For the vast
majority of perl modules this is all that's required.

1.4 Data::Dumper Perl module

   The Data::Dumper module provides data structure persistence for Perl
(similar to Java's serialization).  It comes with later sub-releases of
Perl 5.004, but a re-installation just to be sure it's available won't
hurt anything.

   Data::Dumper is used by the MySQL related Perl modules.  It can be
136 137
found on CPAN (link in Appendix A) and can be installed by following
the same four step make sequence used for the DBI module.
138 139 140 141 142

1.5. MySQL related Perl module collection

   The Perl/MySQL interface requires a few mutually-dependent perl
modules.  These modules are grouped together into the the
143 144 145
Msql-Mysql-modules package.  This package can be found at CPAN (link
in Appendix A).  After the archive file has been downloaded it should
be untarred.
146 147 148 149

   The MySQL modules are all build using one make file which is generated
by running:

        perl Makefile.PL
151 152 153 154 155 156

   The MakeMaker process will ask you a few questions about the desired
compilation target and your MySQL installation.  For many of the questions
the provided default will be adequate.

   When asked if your desired target is the MySQL or mSQL packages
157 158 159 160
selected the MySQL related ones.  Later you will be asked if you wish
to provide backwards compatibility with the older MySQL packages; you
must answer YES to this question.  The default will be no, and if you
select it things won't work later.

   A host of 'localhost' should be fine and a testing user of 'test' and
163 164 165 166
a null password should find itself with sufficient access to run tests
on the 'test' database which MySQL created upon installation.  If 'make
test' and 'make install' go through without errors you should be ready
to go as far as database connectivity is concerned.
167 168 169 170 171 172

1.6. TimeDate Perl module collection

   Many of the more common date/time/calendar related Perl modules have
been grouped into a bundle similar to the MySQL modules bundle. This
bundle is stored on the CPAN under the name TimeDate.  A (hopefully
173 174 175
current) link can be found in Appendix A.  The component module we're
most interested in is the Date::Format module, but installing all of them
is probably a good idea anyway.  The standard Perl module installation
176 177
instructions should work perfectly for this simple package.

1.7. GD Perl module (1.8.3)

   The GD library was written by Thomas Boutell a long while ago to
programatically generate images in C.  Since then it's become almost a
182 183
defacto standard for programatic image construction.  The Perl bindings
to it found in the GD library are used on a million web pages to generate
184 185
graphs on the fly.  That's what bugzilla will be using it for so you'd
better install it if you want any of the graphing to work.
186 187
    Actually bugzilla uses the Graph module which relies on GD itself,
but isn't that always the way with OOP.  At any rate, you can find the
GD library on CPAN (link in Appendix A).  

190 191 192 193
   The latest version of the GD library can be found at:

1.8. Chart::Base Perl module (0.99c)

196 197 198 199
   The Chart module provides bugzilla with on-the-fly charting
abilities.  It can be installed in the usual fashion after it has been
fetched from CPAN where it is found as the Chart-x.x... tarball in a
directory to be listed in Appendix A.  Note that as with the GD perl
200 201 202
module, only the specific versions listed above will work. Earlier
versions used GIF's, which are no longer supported by the latest
versions of GD.

1.9. HTTP server

206 207 208
   You have a freedom of choice here - Apache, Netscape or any other
server on UNIX would do. You can easily run the web server on a different
machine than MySQL, but that makes MySQL permissions harder to manage.

210 211 212
   You'll want to make sure that your web server will run any file
with the .cgi extension as a cgi and not just display it.  If you're using
apache that means uncommenting the following line in the srm.conf file:

        AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
215 216 217 218

   With apache you'll also want to make sure that within the access.conf
file the line:

        Options ExecCGI
220 221 222

is in the stanza that covers the directories you intend to put the
bugzilla .html and .cgi files into.

224 225 226 227
If you are using a newer version of Apache, both of the above lines will be
(or will need to be) in the httpd.conf file, rather than srm.conf or

2. Installing the Bugzilla Files

230 231
   You should untar the bugzilla files into a directory that you're
willing to make writable by the default web server user (probably
232 233 234 235 236 237 238
'nobody').  You may decide to put the files off of the main web space
for your web server or perhaps off of /usr/local with a symbolic link
in the web space that points to the bugzilla directory.  At any rate,
just dump all the files in the same place (optionally omitting the CVS
directory if it accidentally got tarred up with the rest of bugzilla)
and make sure you can get at the files in that directory through your
web server.

240 241
   Once all the files are in a web accessible directory, make that
directory writable by your webserver's user (which may require just
making it world writable).  
   Lastly, you'll need to set up a symbolic link from /usr/bonsaitools/bin
245 246 247
to the correct location of your perl executable (probably /usr/bin/perl).
Or, you'll have to hack all the .cgi files to change where they look
for perl.

3. Setting Up the MySQL database

251 252 253 254
   After you've gotten all the software installed and working you're ready
to start preparing the database for its life as a the back end to a high
quality bug tracker.

255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294
    First, you'll want to fix MySQL permissions.  Bugzilla always logs
in as user "bugs", with no password.  That needs to work.  MySQL
permissions are a deep, nasty complicated thing.  I've just turned
them off.  If you want to do that, too, then the magic is to do run
"mysql mysql", and feed it commands like this (replace all instances of
HOSTNAME with the name of the machine mysql is running on):

        DELETE FROM host;
        DELETE FROM user;

The number of 'Y' entries to use varies with the version of MySQL; they
keep adding columns.  The list here should work with version 3.22.23b.

This run of "mysql mysql" may need some extra parameters to deal with
whatever database permissions were set up previously.  In particular,
you might have to say "mysql -uroot mysql", and give it an appropriate

For much more information about MySQL permissions, see the MySQL

After you've tweaked the permissions, run "mysqladmin reload" to make
sure that the database server knows to look at your new permission list.

295 296 297 298 299 300
Or, at the mysql prompt:

mysql> flush privileges;

You must explictly tell mysql to reload permissions before running

301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311
Next, you can just run the magic script.  (Many thanks
to Holger Schurig <> for writing this script!)
It will make sure things have reasonable permissions, set up the "data"
directory, and create all the MySQL tables.  Just run:


The first time you run it, it will create a file called "localconfig"
which you should examine and perhaps tweak a bit.  Then re-run and it will do the real work.

312 313 314 315 316 317
It's worth noting that ./ will stall if it is on a filesystem
that does not fully support file locking via flock(), such as NFS mounts.
This support is required for Bugzilla to operate safely with multiple
instances. If flock() is not fully supported, it will stall at:

   "Now regenerating the shadow database for all bugs."

Should everything work, you should have a nearly empty copy of the bug tracking

4. Tweaking the Bugzilla->MySQL Connection Data

   If you have played with MySQL permissions, rather than just opening it
wide open as described above, then you may need to tweak the Bugzilla
code to connect appropriately.

   In order for bugzilla to be able to connect to the MySQL database
329 330 331 332
you'll have to tell bugzilla where the database server is, what
database you're connecting to, and whom to connect as.  Simply open up
the file in the bugzilla directory and find the line that
begins like:

        $::db = Mysql->Connect("

336 337
   That line does the actual database connection.  The Connect method
takes four parameters which are (with appropriate values):

339 340 341 342 343
        1. server's host: just use "localhost"
        2. database name: "bugs" if you're following these directions
        3. MySQL username: whatever you created for your webserver user
                probably "nobody"
        4. Password for the MySQL account in item 3.

Just fill in those values and close up

5. Setting up yourself as Maintainer

349 350 351 352 353 354
    Start by creating your own bugzilla account.  To do so, just try to
"add a bug" from the main bugzilla menu (now available from your system
through your web browser!).  You'll be prompted for logon info, and you
should enter your email address and then select 'mail me my password'.
When you get the password mail, log in with it.  Don't finish entering
that new bug.

356 357 358 359
    Now, add yourself to every group.  The magic script
can do this for you, if you run it again now.  That script will notice
if there's exactly one user in the database, and if so, add that person
to every group.
360 361

    If you want to add someone to every group by hand, you can do it by
362 363 364
typing the appropriate MySQL commands.  Run 'mysql bugs' (you may need
extra parameters, depending on your security settings according to
section 3, above), and type:

366 367
        update profiles set groupset=0x7fffffffffffffff
        where login_name = 'XXX';

replacing XXX with your Bugzilla email address.

371 372 373
Now, if you go to the query page (off of the bugzilla main menu) where
you'll now find a 'edit parameters' option which is filled with editable

6. Setting Up the Whining Cron Job (Optional)

377 378 379 380 381
   By now you've got a fully functional bugzilla, but what good are bugs
if they're not annoying?  To help make those bugs more annoying you can
set up bugzilla's automatic whining system.  This can be done by adding
the following command as a daily crontab entry (for help on that see that
crontab man page):

        cd <your-bugzilla-directory> ; ./

7. Bug Graphs (Optional)

   As long as you installed the GD and Graph::Base Perl modules you might
388 389 390 391
as well turn on the nifty bugzilla bug reporting graphs.  Just add
the command:

        cd <your-bugzilla-directory> ; ./

393 394
as a nightly entry to your crontab and after two days have passed you'll
be able to view bug graphs from the Bug Reports page.

396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403
8. Real security for MySQL

MySQL has "interesting" default security parameters:
        mysqld defaults to running as root
        it defaults to allowing external network connections
        it has a known port number, and is easy to detect
        it defaults to no passwords whatsoever
        it defaults to allowing "File_Priv"
404 405
This means anyone from anywhere on the internet can not only drop the
database with one SQL command, and they can write as root to the system.
406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424

To see your permissions do:
        > mysql -u root -p
        use mysql;
        show tables;
        select * from user;
        select * from db;

To fix the gaping holes:
        DELETE FROM user WHERE User='';
        UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('new_password') WHERE user='root';

If you're not running "mit-pthreads" you can use:
        GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO bugs@localhost;
        GRANT ALL ON bugs.* TO bugs@localhost;
        REVOKE DROP ON bugs.* FROM bugs@localhost;

425 426 427
With "mit-pthreads" you'll need to modify the "" Mysql->Connect
line to specify a specific host name instead of "localhost", and accept
external connections:
428 429 430 431 432 433
        GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO;
        GRANT ALL ON bugs.* TO;
        REVOKE DROP ON bugs.* FROM;

Consider also:
434 435 436
        o Turning off external networking with "--skip-networking",
          unless you have "mit-pthreads", in which case you can't.
          Without networking, MySQL connects with a Unix domain socket.

438 439
        o using the --user= option to mysqld to run it as an unprivileged
440 441 442 443 444 445

        o starting MySQL in a chroot jail

        o running the httpd in a jail

        o making sure the MySQL passwords are different from the OS
          passwords (MySQL "root" has nothing to do with system "root").
447 448 449 450 451 452 453

        o running MySQL on a separate untrusted machine

        o making backups ;-)

---------[ Appendices ]-----------------------

456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469
Appendix A. Required Software Download Links

   All of these sites are current as of February 17, 1999.  Hopefully
they'll stay current for a while.




DBI Perl module:

Data::Dumper module:
471 472

MySQL related Perl modules:
474 475

TimeDate Perl module collection:
477 478 479 480

GD Perl module:

Chart::Base module:
482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491

Appendix B. Modifying Your Running System

   Bugzilla optimizes database lookups by storing all relatively static
information in the versioncache file, located in the data/ subdirectory
under your installation directory (we said before it needs to be writable,

   If you make a change to the structural data in your database (the
492 493
versions table for example), or to the "constants" encoded in, you will need to remove the cached content from the data
494 495 496 497 498 499
directory (by doing a "rm data/versioncache"), or your changes won't show

   That file gets automatically regenerated whenever it's more than an
hour old, so Bugzilla will eventually notice your changes by itself, but
generally you want it to notice right away, so that you can test things.


Appendix C. Upgrading from previous versions of Bugzilla

The developers of Bugzilla are constantly adding new tables, columns and
505 506 507 508
fields.  You'll get SQL errors if you just update the code.  The strategy
to update is to simply always run the script whenever
you upgrade your installation of Bugzilla.  If you want to see what has
changed, you can read the comments in that file, starting from the end.
509 510 511

Appendix D. History

513 514
   This document was originally adapted from the Bonsai installation
instructions by Terry Weissman <>.

   The February 25, 1999 re-write of this page was done by Ry4an Brase
<>, with some edits by Terry Weissman, Bryce Nesbitt,
518 519 520
Martin Pool, & Dan Mosedale (But don't send bug reports to them!
Report them using bugzilla, at ,
project Webtools, component Bugzilla).

522 523
   Comments from people using this document for the first time are
especially welcomed.