rel_notes.txt 23.1 KB
Newer Older
2.16 has not been released yet - these are prerelease notes.

Insert nice little intro for version 2.16 here.

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Bug numbers referenced in this document are all on unless otherwise specified.

*** Recommended Practice For The Upgrade ***
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

As always, please ensure you have ran after
replacing the files in your installation.

It is recommended that you view the sanity check page
(sanitycheck.cgi) both before the upgrade and after running after the upgrade, to see if there are any
problems with your installation.

It is also recommended that if you can, you immediately fix
any problems you find.  Be aware that if the sanity check page
contains more errors after an upgrade, it doesn't necessarily
mean there are more errors in your database, as it is likely
they weren't being checked for in the old version.

28 29 30
Failure to do this may mean that bugzilla will not
work correctly.

31 32 33 34 35
Administrators must make sure that certain files are
inaccessible or confidential information might become
available to enterprising individuals.  This includes the
localconfig file and the entire data directory.  Please
see the Bugzilla Guide for more information.

37 38
*** Dependency Requirements ***

39 40
MySQL v3.22.5
Perl v5.005
41 42 43
DBI v1.13
DBD::MySQL v1.2209
AppConfig v1.52
Template Toolkit v2.07
45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
Text::Wrap v20001.0131
Data::Dumper, Date::Parse, CGI::Carp (any)
GD v1.19 (optional)
Chart::Base v0.99 (optional)
XML::Parser (any)

*** Deprecated Features ***

53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
- This is possibly the last stable release that will work with
  MySQL version 3.22.  Soon Bugzilla will require at least
  version 3.23.x.  The exact minimum version number required
  has not yet been decided.
  (bug 87958)
- This is possibly the last stable release to support the
  shadow database. The replacement (using MySQL's built in
  replication) is not present in 2.16, but we expect that
  very few sites use this feature.  If this would cause a
  problem for you, please comment on the below bug.
  (bug 124589)
64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

*** Outstanding Issues Of Note ***

- Renaming or removing keywords will not update the "keyword
  cache", and queries on keywords may not work properly, until
  you rebuild the cache on the sanity check page
  (sanitycheck.cgi).  The changer will receive a warning to do
  this when altering the keyword.
  (bug 69621)
- Email notifications will not work out of the box if you are
  using Postfix, Exim or possibly other non-SendMail mail
  transfer agents, as Bugzilla sends mail by default in
  "deferred" mode using the "-ODeliveryMode=deferred" command
  line option, which needs to be supported by the sendmail
  program.  To fix this, you can turn on the "sendmailnow"
  parameter on the Edit Parameters page (editparams.cgi).
  (bug 50159)
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88
- Users behind rotating transparent proxies or otherwise having
  a dynamic IP will find they need to log in regularly.
  (bug 20122)
- If you search on any CC or added comments, as well as at least
  one other of CC, added comments, assignee, reporter, etc, then
  the search can be very slow.  This is because of limitations of
  the MySQL optimiser.
  (bug 96101)

90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113
- This release of Bugzilla uses the Template Toolkit. For speed,
  compiled templates are cached on disk. If you modify the templates
  in order to customise the look and feel of your Bugzilla instalation,
  the toolkit will normally detect the changes, and recompile the
  changed templates.

  However, if you do not set a webservergroup in the localconfig file, 
  (a generally unwise thing on a production installation of Bugzilla)
  the template directory would have to be world-writable for automatic
  recompilation to happen.

  Doing that would be a security risk. So, if you modify templates locally 
  and do not have a webservergroup set, you will have to rerun
  to recompile the templates manually. If you do not do this, the changes 
  you make will not appear, and an error message will be reported.

  Adding new directories anywhere inside the template directory may cause 
  permission errors. If you see these, rerun as root. If you
  do not have root access, or cannot get someone who does to do this for you,
  you can rename the data/template directory to data/template.old (or any
  other name bugzilla doesn't use). Then rerun to regenerate
  the compiled templates.
  (bug 97832)

114 115 116 117

118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146

- The bug reporter could set the priority even when
  'letsubmitterchoosepriority' was off.
  (bug 63018)
- It was possible for random confidential information to be
  divulged, if the shadow database was in use and became
  (bug 92263)
- Mass change would set the groupset of every bug to be the
  groupset of the first bug.
  (bug 107718)
- Most CGIs now run in taint mode.  This helps to prevent
  failure to validate errors.
  (bug 108982)
- queryhelp.cgi no longer shows confidential products to
  people it shouldn't.
  (bug 126801)
- The bug list sort order could take arbitrary SQL.  There
  are no known exploits for this problem.
  (bug 130821)
- It was possible for a user to bypass the IP check by
  setting up a fake reverse DNS, if the Bugzilla web server
  was configured to do reverse DNS lookups.  Apache is not
  configured as such by default.  This is not a complete
  exploit, as the user's login cookie would also need to
  be divulged for this to be a problem.
  (bug 129466)

147 148

149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178
- 2.16 introduces "templatisation", a new feature that allows
  administrators to easily customise the HTML output of Bugzilla
  without altering Perl code.  Bugzilla uses the "Template Toolkit"
  for this.  ??? See the Bugzilla Guide?

  Administrators who ran the 2.15 development version and customised
  templates should check the templates are still valid, as file names
  and file paths have changed.

  Most output is now templatised.  This process will be complete next
  (bug 86168)
- index.html is now configurable, as is now index.cgi. ??? Web server setup ???
  (bug 80183)
- Administrators can now configure maximum attachment sizes.  These
  should remain below the maximum size for MySQL
  (bug 91664)
- Perl 5.004 is no longer supported because the Template Toolkit
  requires 5.005.
  (bug 97721)
- It is now strongly recommended that administrators run
  "processmail rescanall" after upgrading to 2.16 or beyond.

  This will send out notification emails for changes that were
  made but not emailed, due to Bugzilla bugs.  All known
  causes of this have been fixed (bug 104589 and 99519).

  It is also recommended that this be run nightly to avoid
  lengthy delays in future if this reoccurs.
  (bug 106377)
179 180 181

*** Other changes of note ***

182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219
- The query page has been redesigned for better user friendliness.
  (bug 98707)
- Users can now change their email account.
  (bug 23067)
- "Dependent Bug Changed" notification emails now contain the
  dependent bug's summary.
  (bug 28736)
- Bugs with severity "critical", "blocker", and "enhancement" are
  visually differentiated on bug lists for recent browsers.
  (bug 28884)
- Bugzilla now has a sidebar for the Mozilla browser.
  (bug 37339)
- A link to just created attachments now appears in notification
  (bug 66651)
- Comments now have numbers and can be referenced with
  autohyperlinkifying similar to bugs.
  (bug 71840)
- The attachment system has been rewritten, supporting new
  "attachment statuses" (like keywords, but for attachments),
  the ability to obsolete attachments, and the ability to
  edit attachment metadata.
  (bugs 84338, 75176)
- syncshadowdb now supports a configurable temp file location,
  and properly shuts down Bugzilla.
  (bug 75840)
- Dependency tree now lets you exclude resolve bugs and bugs
  below a specific depth.
  (bugs 83058)
- The "strictvaluechecks" parameter has gone away.  These checks
  are now always done.
  (bug 119715)
- The midair collision page now shows all changes since the bug
  page was loaded, not just the last one.
  (bug 108312)
- Added support for making dependency graphs with 'dot', which
  is better at creating complex graphs than 'webdot'.
  (bug 120537)
220 221 222

*** Bug fixes of note ***

223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263
- Bugzilla scripts are now usually not terminated when the browser
  window they are running in is closed.  This caused hard to
  reproduce bugs.
  (bug 104589)
- On browsers that "reflow" the page, large component / milestone /
  version fields were extremely slow to reflow when you altered
  the product field.
  (bug 96534)
- The selection in the component / milestone / version fields is
  no longer lost when you change the selection in the product
  field or use the back/forward buttons in your browser to return
  to the page.
  (bug 97966)
- You could not reverse dependencies in one step.
  (bug 82143)
- Mass reassignment of non-open bugs will no longer reopen them.
  (bug 30731)
- Attempting to bulk change no bugs will now give a user-friendly
  error message.
  (bug 90333)
- If you make a change to a bug where you only add yourself to CC,
  email notifications are now properly sent out for MySQL 3.23.
  (bug 99519)
- Bug entry now properly validates the data it has been sent.
  (bug 107743)
- Midair collision checks will now properly work in all situations
  where dependencies have changed.
  (bug 73502)
- Some browsers were able to corrupt the params file with the wrong
  end-of-line markers.
  (bug 92500)
- The MySQL port defined in localconfig is now properly honoured.
  (bug 98368)
- Apostrophes in component/milestone/version names no longer cause
  a problem on the query page.
  (bug 30689/42810)
- File attachment comments will now wrap.
  (bug 52060)
- Saved queries are no longer mangled if you need to log in again,
  for example if you had cookies of.
  (bug 38835)
264 265 266
- Bug counts (on reports.cgi) were very slow if you had to
  count a lot of bugs.
  (bug 63249)
- 2.14 introduced options to let people see a bug when their name
  is on it but who aren't in the groups the bug is restricted
269 270
  to.  These only allowed the people to view the bugs directly,
  and not see them on buglists and receive email about them.
  (bugs 95024, 97469)
272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286
- A new 'cookiepath' parameter on editparams.cgi allows multiple
  Bugzilla installations to exist on one host without problems.
  (bug 19910)
- now respects the 'sendmailnow' parameter.
  (bug 52782)
- The query page came up even when Bugzilla was shut down.
  (bug 121747)
- Quicksearch gave a weird error message when Bugzilla was
  shut down.
  (bug 121741)
- Querying on CC took too long on big databases, it is quicker
  (bug 127200)

??? 109357
287 288 289 290


292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344
The 2.14.1 release fixes several security issues that became
known to us after the Bugzilla 2.14 release.


- If LDAP Authentication was being used, Bugzilla would allow
  you to log in as anyone if you left the password blank.
  (bug 54901)

- It was possible to add comments or file a bug as someone else
  by editing the HTML on the appropriate submission page before
  submitting the form.  User identity is checked now, and the
  form values suggesting the user are now ignored.
  (bug 108385, 108516)

- The Product popup menu on the show_bug form listed all
  products, even if the user didn't have access to all of them.
  It now only shows products the user has access to (and the
  product the bug is in, if the user is viewing it because of
  some other override).
  (bug 102141)

- If a user had any blessgroupset privileges (the ability to
  change only specific privileges for other users), it was
  possible to change your own groupset (privileges) by
  altering the page HTML before submitting on editusers.cgi.
  (bug 108821)

- An untrusted variable was echoed back to user in the HTML
  output if there was a login error while editing votes.
  (bug 98146)

- buglist.cgi had an undocumented parameter that allowed you
  to pass arbitrary SQL for the "WHERE" part of a query.
  This has been disabled. (bug 108812)

- It was possible for a user to send arbitrary SQL by inserting
  single quotes in the "mybugslink" field in the user
  preferences. (bug 108822)

- buglist.cgi was not validating that the field names being
  passed from the "boolean chart" query form were valid field
  names, thus allowing arbitrary SQL to be inserted if you 
  edited the HTML by hand before submitting the form.
  (bug 109679)

- long_list.cgi was not validating that the bug ID parameter
  was actually a number, allowing arbitrary SQL to be inserted
  if you edited the HTML by hand. (bug 109690)

345 346 347


348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531
- Bugzilla 2.14 no longer supports old email tech.  Upon
  upgrading, all users will be moved over to new email tech.
  This should speed up upgrading for installations with
  a large number of bugs.
  (bug 71552)

- There is new functionality for people to see why they are
  receiving notification mails.

  Previously, some people filtered old email tech
  notifications depending on whether they were in the To or the
  CC header, in order to get a limited way of determining why
  they were receiving the notification for filtering purposes.

  Existing installations will need to make changes to support
  this feature.  The receive reasons can be added to the
  notifications as a header and/or in the body.  To add these
  you will need to modify your newchangedmail parameter on
  editparams.cgi, either by resetting it or appropriately
  modifying it.  The header value is specified by
  %reasonsheader% and the body by %reasonsbody%.  For example,
  the new default parameter is:

  From: bugzilla-daemon
  To: %to%
  Subject: [Bug %bugid%] %neworchanged%%summary%
  X-Bugzilla-Reason: %reasonsheader%




  (bug 26194)

- Very long fields (especially multi-valued fields like keywords,
  CCs, dependencies) on bug activity and notifications previously
  could get truncated, resulting in useless notifications and data
  loss on bug activity.  Now the multi-valued fields only show
  changes, and very big changes are split into multiple lines.
  Where data loss has already occurred on bug activity, it is
  indicated using question marks.
  (bug 55161, 92266)

- Previously, when a product's voting preferences changed all
  votes were removed from all the bugs in the product.  Also,
  when a bug was moved to another product, all of its votes
  were removed.  This no longer occurs.

  Instead, if the action would leave one or more bugs with
  greater than the maximum number of votes per person per bug,
  the number of votes will be reduced to the maximum.  The
  person will still be notified of this as before.

  If the action would leave a user with more votes in a product
  than is allowed, the limit will be breached so as to not lose
  votes.  However the user will not be able to update their
  votes except to fix this situation.  No further action is taken
  in this version to make sure that the user does this.
  (bug 28882, 92593)


- Multiple instances of unauthorised access to confidential
  bugs has been fixed.
  (bug 39524, 39526, 39527, 39531, 39533, 70189, 82781)
- Multiple instances of untrusted parameters not being
  checked/escaped was fixed.  These included definite security
  (bug 38854, 38855, 38859, 39536, 87701, 95235)
- After logging in passwords no longer appear in the URL.
  (bug 15980)
- Procedures to prevent unauthorised access to confidential
  files are now simpler.  In particular the shadow directory
  no longer exists and the data/comments file no longer needs
  to be directly accessible, so the entire data directory can
  be blocked.  However, no changes are required here if you
  have a properly secured 2.12 installation as no new files
  must be protected.
  (bug 71552, 73191)
- If they do not already exist, will attempt to
  write Apache .htaccess files by default, to prevent
  unauthorised access to confidential files.  You can turn this
  off in the localconfig file.
  (bug 76154)
- Sanity check can now only be run by people in the 'editbugs'
  group.  Although it would be better to have a separate
  group, this is not possible until the limitation on the
  number of groups allowed has been removed.
  (bug 54556)
- The password is no longer stored in plaintext form.  It will
  be eradicated next time you run  A user must
  now change their password via a password change request that
  gets validated at their e-mail account, rather than have it
  mailed to them.
  (bug 74032)
- When you using product groups and you move a bug between
  products (single or mass change), the bug will no longer be
  restricted to the old product's group (if it was) and will
  be restricted to the new product's group.
  (bug 66235)
- There are now options on a bug to choose whether the
  reporter, assignee, QA and CCs can access a bug even if
  they aren't in groups the bug it is restricted to.
  (bug 39816)
- You can no longer mark a bug as a duplicate of a bug you
  can't see, and if you mark a bug a duplicate of a bug
  the reporter cannot see you will be given options as to
  what to do regarding adding the reporter of the resolved
  bug to the CC of the open bug.
  (bug 96085)

*** Other changes of note ***

- Groups can now be marked inactive, so you can't add a new
  restriction on that group to a bug, while leaving bugs that
  were previously restricted on that group alone.
  (bug 75482)
- backdoor.cgi has been removed from the installation.  It was
  old code that was Netscape-specific and its name was scaring
  (bug 87983)
- You can now add or remove from CC on the bulk change page.
  (bug 12819)
- New users created by administrators are now automatically
  inserted into groups according to the group's regular
  expression.  Administrators must edit the user in a second
  step to override these choices.  Previously the
  administrator specified these explicitly which could lead
  to incorrect settings.
  (bug 45164)
- The userregexp of system groups can now be edited without
  resorting to direct database access.
  (bug 65290)

*** Bug fixes of note ***

- The bug list page was sometimes bringing up a not logged in
  footer when the user was logged in and the installation was
  using a shadow database.
  (bug 47914)
- You can now view the bug summary in your browser title for
  a group-restricted bug if you have proper permissions.
  (bug 71767)
- Quick search for search terms did not work in IE5.
  This has been worked around.
  (bug 77699)
- Quick search for search terms crashed NN4.76/4.77 for Unix.
  This has been worked around.
  (bug 83619)
- Queries on bugs you have commented on using the "added
  comment" feature should be a lot faster and not time out
  on large installations due to the addition of an index.
  (bug 57350)
- You can now alter group settings on bulk change for groups
  that aren't on for all bugs or off for all bugs.
  (bug 84714)
- New bug notifications now include the CC and QA fields.
  (bug 28458)
- Bugzilla is now more Windows friendly, although it is still
  not an official platform.
  (bug 88179, 29064)
- Passwords are now encrypted using Perl's encrypt function.
  This makes Bugzilla more portable to more operating systems.
  (bug 77473)
- Bugzilla didn't properly shut down when told to - some
  queries could still be sent to the database.
  (bug 95082)



- There is now a facility for users to choose the sort of
  notifications they wish to receive.  This facility will
  probably be improved in future versions.
532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550
  (bug 17464)

- "Changed" will no longer appear on the subject line of
  change notification emails.  Because of this, you should
  change the subject line in your 'changedmail' and
  'newchangedmail' params on editparams.cgi. The subject
  line needs to be changed from

    Subject: [Bug %bugid%] %neworchanged% - %summary%


    Subject: [Bug %bugid%] %neworchanged%%summary%

  or whatever is appropriate for the subject you are using
  on your system. Note the removal of the " - " in the
  (bug 29820)

551 552 553 554
- Some security holes have been fixed where shell escape characters
  could be passed to Bugzilla, allowing remote users to execute
  system commands on the web server.

555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587
*** Other changes of note ***

- Bug titles now appear in the page title, and will hence
  display in the user's browser's bookmarks and history.
  (bug 22041)
- Edit groups functionality (editgroups.cgi).
  (bug 25010)
- Support for moving bugs to other Bugzilla databases.
  (bug 36133)
- Bugzilla now can generate a frequently reported bugs list
  based on what duplicates you receive.
  (bug 25693)
- When installing Bugzilla fresh, the administrator account is
  now created in
  (bug 17773)
- Stored queries now show their name above the bug list, which
  helps the user when they have multiple bug lists in multiple
  browser windows.  It also appears in the page title, and will
  hence display in the user's browser's bookmarks and history.
  (bug 52228)
- All states and resolutions can now be collected for charting.
  (bug 6682)
- A new search-engine-like "quick search" feature appears on
  the front page to try and making searching easier.
  (bug 69793)
- Querying on dependencies now works in the advanced query
  section of the query page.
  (bug 30823)
- When a bug is marked as a duplicate, the reporter of the
  resolved bug is automatically added to the CC list of the
  open bug.
  (bug 28676)


589 590
*** Bug fixes of note ***

591 592
- Notification emails will now always be sent to QA contacts.
  Previously they wouldn't if you were using new email tech.
593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604
  (bug 30826)
- When marking a bug as a duplicate, the duplicate stamp marked
  on the open bug will no longer be written too early (such as
  on mid-air collisions).
  (bug 7873)
- Various bug fixes were made to the initial assignee and QA
  of a component.  It is no longer possible to enter an
  invalid address.  They will also now properly update when
  a user's email address is changed.  Sanity check will now
  check these.
  (bug 66876)
- Administrators can no longer create an email accounts that do
605 606 607
  not match the global email regular expression parameter.
  Previously this could occur and would cause sanity check
608 609 610 611 612 613
  (bug 32971)
- The resolution field can no longer become empty when the
  bug is resolved.  This occurred because of midair collisions.
  (bug 49306)

614 615 616

618 619
Release notes were not compiled for versions of Bugzilla before