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<chapter id="customization">
  <title>Customizing Bugzilla</title>

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
  <section id="extensions">
    <title>Bugzilla Extensions</title>

      One of the best ways to customize Bugzilla is by writing a Bugzilla
      Extension. Bugzilla Extensions let you modify both the code and
      UI of Bugzilla in a way that can be distributed to other Bugzilla
      users and ported forward to future versions of Bugzilla with minimal

	  See the <ulink url="../html/api/Bugzilla/Extension.html">Bugzilla Extension
31 32 33 34
      documentation</ulink> for information on how to write an Extension.

35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
  <section id="cust-skins">
    <title>Custom Skins</title>
      Bugzilla allows you to have multiple skins. These are custom CSS and possibly
      also custom images for Bugzilla. To create a new custom skin, you have two
            Make a single CSS file, and put it in the 
            <filename>skins/contrib</filename> directory.
            Make a directory that contains all the same CSS file
            names as <filename>skins/standard/</filename>, and put
            your directory in <filename>skins/contrib/</filename>.
      After you put the file or the directory there, make sure to run
      so that it can reset the file permissions correctly.
      After you have installed the new skin, it will show up as an option in the
      user's General Preferences. If you would like to force a particular skin on all
      users, just select it in the Default Preferences and then uncheck "Enabled" on
      the preference.
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
  <section id="cust-templates">
    <title>Template Customization</title>
      Administrators can configure the look and feel of Bugzilla without
      having to edit Perl files or face the nightmare of massive merge
      conflicts when they upgrade to a newer version in the future.
      Templatization also makes localized versions of Bugzilla possible, 
      for the first time. It's possible to have Bugzilla's UI language 
      determined by the user's browser. More information is available in
      <xref linkend="template-http-accept"/>.
87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98
    <section id="template-directory">
      <title>Template Directory Structure</title>
        The template directory structure starts with top level directory 
        named <filename>template</filename>, which contains a directory
        for each installed localization. The next level defines the
        language used in the templates. Bugzilla comes with English
        templates, so the directory name is <filename>en</filename>,
        and we will discuss <filename>template/en</filename> throughout
        the documentation. Below <filename>template/en</filename> is the
        <filename>default</filename> directory, which contains all the
        standard templates shipped with Bugzilla.
99 100

101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121
          A directory <filename>data/templates</filename> also exists;
          this is where Template Toolkit puts the compiled versions of
          the templates from either the default or custom directories.
          <emphasis>Do not</emphasis> directly edit the files in this
          directory, or all your changes will be lost the next time
          Template Toolkit recompiles the templates.

    <section id="template-method">
      <title>Choosing a Customization Method</title>
        If you want to edit Bugzilla's templates, the first decision
        you must make is how you want to go about doing so. There are two
        choices, and which you use depends mainly on the scope of your 
        modifications, and the method you plan to use to upgrade Bugzilla.

122 123
        The first method of making customizations is to directly edit the
124 125
        templates found in <filename>template/en/default</filename>.
        This is probably the best way to go about it if you are going to
126 127
        be upgrading Bugzilla through Bzr, because if you then execute
        a <command>bzr update</command>, any changes you have made will
        be merged automagically with the updated versions.
129 130

131 132
          If you use this method, and Bzr conflicts occur during an
134 135 136 137 138
          update, the conflicted templates (and possibly other parts
          of your installation) will not work until they are resolved.

140 141 142 143 144 145
        The second method is to copy the templates to be modified
        into a mirrored directory structure under 
        <filename>template/en/custom</filename>. Templates in this
        directory structure automatically override any identically-named
        and identically-located templates in the 
        <filename>default</filename> directory. 
146 147

148 149 150 151 152 153 154
          The <filename>custom</filename> directory does not exist
          at first and must be created if you want to use it.

156 157 158
        The second method of customization should be used if you 
        use the overwriting method of upgrade, because otherwise 
        your changes will be lost.  This method may also be better if
        you are using the Bzr method of upgrading and are going to make major
160 161 162 163 164 165 166
        changes, because it is guaranteed that the contents of this directory
        will not be touched during an upgrade, and you can then decide whether
        to continue using your own templates, or make the effort to merge your
        changes into the new versions by hand.

167 168 169
        Using this method, your installation may break if incompatible
        changes are made to the template interface.  Such changes should
        be documented in the release notes, provided you are using a
170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177
        stable release of Bugzilla.  If you use using unstable code, you will
        need to deal with this one yourself, although if possible the changes
        will be mentioned before they occur in the deprecations section of the
        previous stable release's release notes.

          Regardless of which method you choose, it is recommended that
          you run <command>./</command> after 
          editing any templates in the <filename>template/en/default</filename>
          directory, and after creating or editing any templates in the 
          <filename>custom</filename> directory.
183 184 185

186 187 188 189 190 191
          It is <emphasis>required</emphasis> that you run 
          <command>./</command> after creating a new
          template in the <filename>custom</filename> directory. Failure
          to do so will raise an incomprehensible error message.
194 195
    <section id="template-edit">
197 198 199 200 201 202 203
      <title>How To Edit Templates</title>
          If you are making template changes that you intend on submitting back
          for inclusion in standard Bugzilla, you should read the relevant
          sections of the 
          <ulink url="">Developers'
205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221
        The syntax of the Template Toolkit language is beyond the scope of
        this guide. It's reasonably easy to pick up by looking at the current 
        templates; or, you can read the manual, available on the
        <ulink url="">Template Toolkit home
        One thing you should take particular care about is the need
        to properly HTML filter data that has been passed into the template.
        This means that if the data can possibly contain special HTML characters
        such as &lt;, and the data was not intended to be HTML, they need to be
        converted to entity form, i.e. &amp;lt;.  You use the 'html' filter in the
223 224 225
        Template Toolkit to do this (or the 'uri' filter to encode special
        characters in URLs).  If you forget, you may open up your installation
        to cross-site scripting attacks.
226 227 228

229 230
        Editing templates is a good way of doing a <quote>poor man's custom
        For example, if you don't use the Status Whiteboard, but want to have
232 233
        a free-form text entry box for <quote>Build Identifier</quote>,
        then you can just
234 235 236 237 238 239 240
        edit the templates to change the field labels. It's still be called
        status_whiteboard internally, but your users don't need to know that.
    <section id="template-formats">
      <title>Template Formats and Types</title>
243 244
245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257
        Some CGI's have the ability to use more than one template. For example,
        <filename>buglist.cgi</filename> can output itself as RDF, or as two 
        formats of HTML (complex and simple). The mechanism that provides this 
        feature is extensible.

        Bugzilla can support different types of output, which again can have 
        multiple formats. In order to request a certain type, you can append 
        the &amp;ctype=&lt;contenttype&gt; (such as rdf or html) to the 
        <filename>&lt;cginame&gt;.cgi</filename> URL. If you would like to 
        retrieve a certain format, you can use the &amp;format=&lt;format&gt; 
        (such as simple or complex) in the URL.
258 259 260
        To see if a CGI supports multiple output formats and types, grep the
        CGI for <quote>get_format</quote>. If it's not present, adding
        multiple format/type support isn't too hard - see how it's done in
264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281
        other CGIs, e.g. config.cgi.
        To make a new format template for a CGI which supports this, 
        open a current template for
        that CGI and take note of the INTERFACE comment (if present.) This 
        comment defines what variables are passed into this template. If 
        there isn't one, I'm afraid you'll have to read the template and
        the code to find out what information you get. 
        Write your template in whatever markup or text style is appropriate.
        You now need to decide what content type you want your template
282 283
        served as. The content types are defined in the
        <filename>Bugzilla/</filename> file in the 
284 285
        constant. If your content type is not there, add it. Remember
        the three- or four-letter tag assigned to your content type. 
287 288
        This tag will be part of the template filename.
289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297

          After adding or changing a content type, it's suitable to edit
          <filename>Bugzilla/</filename> in order to reflect
          the changes. Also, the file should be kept up to date after an
          upgrade if content types have been customized in the past. 
298 299 300 301
        Save the template as <filename>&lt;stubname&gt;-&lt;formatname&gt;.&lt;contenttypetag&gt;.tmpl</filename>. 
        Try out the template by calling the CGI as 
        <filename>&lt;cginame&gt;.cgi?format=&lt;formatname&gt;&amp;ctype=&lt;type&gt;</filename> .
303 304 305 306
    <section id="template-specific">
308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330
      <title>Particular Templates</title>
        There are a few templates you may be particularly interested in
        customizing for your installation.
        This is the Bugzilla front page.

        This defines the header that goes on all Bugzilla pages.
        The header includes the banner, which is what appears to users
        and is probably what you want to edit instead.  However the
        header also includes the HTML HEAD section, so you could for
        example add a stylesheet or META tag by editing the header.

331 332
        This contains the <quote>banner</quote>, the part of the header
        that appears
333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346
        at the top of all Bugzilla pages.  The default banner is reasonably
        barren, so you'll probably want to customize this to give your
        installation a distinctive look and feel.  It is recommended you
        preserve the Bugzilla version number in some form so the version 
        you are running can be determined, and users know what docs to read.

        This defines the footer that goes on all Bugzilla pages.  Editing
        this is another way to quickly get a distinctive look and feel for
        your Bugzilla installation.

347 348
349 350 351 352 353
        This defines a list of terms that may be changed in order to
        <quote>brand</quote> the Bugzilla instance In this way, terms
        like <quote>bugs</quote> can be replaced with <quote>issues</quote>
        across the whole Bugzilla installation. The name
        <quote>Bugzilla</quote> and other words can be customized as well.
355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365

        This template controls the appearance of the bug lists created
        by Bugzilla. Editing this template allows per-column control of 
        the width and title of a column, the maximum display length of
        each entry, and the wrap behaviour of long entries.
        For long bug lists, Bugzilla inserts a 'break' every 100 bugs by
        default; this behaviour is also controlled by this template, and
        that value can be modified here.

367 368 369 370 371 372 373
        This is a message that appears near the top of the bug reporting page.
        By modifying this, you can tell your users how they should report

374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386
        This is the page used if two people submit simultaneous changes to the
        same bug.  The second person to submit their changes will get this page
        to tell them what the first person did, and ask if they wish to
        overwrite those changes or go back and revisit the bug.  The default
        title and header on this page read "Mid-air collision detected!"  If
        you work in the aviation industry, or other environment where this
        might be found offensive (yes, we have true stories of this happening)
        you'll want to change this to something more appropriate for your

387 388 389
        <command>bug/create/create.html.tmpl</command> and
390 391 392 393 394 395 396
        You may not wish to go to the effort of creating custom fields in
        Bugzilla, yet you want to make sure that each bug report contains
        a number of pieces of important information for which there is not
        a special field. The bug entry system has been designed in an
        extensible fashion to enable you to add arbitrary HTML widgets,
        such as drop-down lists or textboxes, to the bug entry page
        and have their values appear formatted in the initial comment.
397 398 399 400 401 402
        A hidden field that indicates the format should be added inside
        the form in order to make the template functional. Its value should
        be the suffix of the template filename. For example, if the file
        is called <filename>create-cust.html.tmpl</filename>, then
        <programlisting>&lt;input type="hidden" name="format" value="cust"&gt;</programlisting>
        should be used inside the form.

405 406
        An example of this is the 
        <ulink url=";format=guided">guided
408 409 410 411 412 413
        bug submission form</ulink>. The code for this comes with the Bugzilla
        distribution as an example for you to copy. It can be found in the
        <filename>create-guided.html.tmpl</filename> and
414 415

416 417 418 419 420 421
        So to use this feature, create a custom template for 
        <filename>enter_bug.cgi</filename>. The default template, on which you
        could base it, is 
        Call it <filename>create-&lt;formatname&gt;.html.tmpl</filename>, and
        in it, add widgets for each piece of information you'd like
422 423 424 425 426
        collected - such as a build number, or set of steps to reproduce.

        Then, create a template like 
427 428 429 430 431
        <filename>custom/bug/create/comment.txt.tmpl</filename>, and call it 
        <filename>comment-&lt;formatname&gt;.txt.tmpl</filename>. This 
        template should reference the form fields you have created using
        the syntax <filename>[% form.&lt;fieldname&gt; %]</filename>. When a 
        bug report is
432 433 434 435 436
        submitted, the initial comment attached to the bug report will be
        formatted according to the layout of this template.

        For example, if your custom enter_bug template had a field
438 439 440
        <programlisting>&lt;input type="text" name="buildid" size="30"&gt;</programlisting>
        and then your comment.txt.tmpl had
        <programlisting>BuildID: [% form.buildid %]</programlisting>
        then something like
        <programlisting>BuildID: 20020303</programlisting>
443 444
        would appear in the initial comment.

447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474

    <section id="template-http-accept">
      <title>Configuring Bugzilla to Detect the User's Language</title>

      <para>Bugzilla honours the user's Accept: HTTP header. You can install
      templates in other languages, and Bugzilla will pick the most appropriate
      according to a priority order defined by you. Many
      language templates can be obtained from <ulink 
      url=""/>. Instructions
      for submitting new languages are also available from that location.

  <section id="cust-change-permissions">
    <title>Customizing Who Can Change What</title>
        This feature should be considered experimental; the Bugzilla code you
        will be changing is not stable, and could change or move between 
        versions. Be aware that if you make modifications as outlined here, 
        you may have
        to re-make them or port them if Bugzilla changes internally between
        versions, and you upgrade.
476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483
      Companies often have rules about which employees, or classes of employees,
      are allowed to change certain things in the bug system. For example, 
      only the bug's designated QA Contact may be allowed to VERIFY the bug.
      Bugzilla has been
      designed to make it easy for you to write your own custom rules to define
      who is allowed to make what sorts of value transition.
484 485 486 487 488 489 490

     By default, assignees, QA owners and users
     with <emphasis>editbugs</emphasis> privileges can edit all fields of bugs, 
     except group restrictions (unless they are members of the groups they 
     are trying to change). Bug reporters also have the ability to edit some 
     fields, but in a more restrictive manner. Other users, without 
     <emphasis>editbugs</emphasis> privileges, cannot edit 
492 493
     bugs, except to comment and add themselves to the CC list.
494 495 496 497
      For maximum flexibility, customizing this means editing Bugzilla's Perl 
      code. This gives the administrator complete control over exactly who is
498 499 500 501 502
      allowed to do what. The relevant method is called
      and is found in <filename></filename> in your
      Bugzilla/ directory. If you open that file and search for
      <quote>sub check_can_change_field</quote>, you'll find it.
503 504 505 506
      This function has been carefully commented to allow you to see exactly
507 508 509 510
      how it works, and give you an idea of how to make changes to it.
      Certain marked sections should not be changed - these are
      the <quote>plumbing</quote> which makes the rest of the function work.
      In between those sections, you'll find snippets of code like:
      <programlisting>    # Allow the assignee to change anything.
512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519
    if ($ownerid eq $whoid) {
        return 1;
      It's fairly obvious what this piece of code does.
      So, how does one go about changing this function? Well, simple changes
      can be made just by removing pieces - for example, if you wanted to 
      prevent any user adding a comment to a bug, just remove the lines marked
522 523 524
      <quote>Allow anyone to change comments.</quote> If you don't want the
      Reporter to have any special rights on bugs they have filed, just
      remove the entire section that deals with the Reporter.
525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534
      More complex customizations are not much harder. Basically, you add
      a check in the right place in the function, i.e. after all the variables
      you are using have been set up. So, don't look at $ownerid before 
      $ownerid has been obtained from the database. You can either add a
      positive check, which returns 1 (allow) if certain conditions are true,
      or a negative check, which returns 0 (deny.) E.g.:
      <programlisting>    if ($field eq "qacontact") {
        if (Bugzilla->user->in_group("quality_assurance")) {
536 537 538 539 540 541 542
            return 1;
        else {
            return 0;
      This says that only users in the group "quality_assurance" can change
543 544 545 546 547
      the QA Contact field of a bug.

      Getting more weird:
      <programlisting><![CDATA[    if (($field eq "priority") &&
549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556
        (Bugzilla->user->email =~ /.*\@example\.com$/))
        if ($oldvalue eq "P1") {
            return 1;
        else {
            return 0;
558 559 560 561
      This says that if the user is trying to change the priority field,
      and their email address is, they can only do so if the
      old value of the field was "P1". Not very useful, but illustrative.
562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570

        If you are modifying <filename>process_bug.cgi</filename> in any
        way, do not change the code that is bounded by DO_NOT_CHANGE blocks.
        Doing so could compromise security, or cause your installation to
        stop working entirely.
571 572
573 574 575
      For a list of possible field names, look at the bugs table in the 
      database. If you need help writing custom rules for your organization,
      ask in the newsgroup.
576 577

579 580 581 582 583
  <section id="integration">
    <title>Integrating Bugzilla with Third-Party Tools</title>

      Many utilities and applications can integrate with Bugzilla,
584 585
      either on the client- or server-side. None of them are maintained
      by the Bugzilla community, nor are they tested during our
586 587 588 589
      QA tests, so use them at your own risk. They are listed at
      <ulink url="" />.
590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612


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