query.cgi 12.6 KB
#!/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl -wT
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <terry@mozilla.org>
#                 David Gardiner <david.gardiner@unisa.edu.au>
#                 Matthias Radestock <matthias@sorted.org>
#                 Gervase Markham <gerv@gerv.net>

use strict;
use lib ".";

require "CGI.pl";

use vars qw(

my $userid = 0;
if (defined $::FORM{"GoAheadAndLogIn"}) {
    # We got here from a login page, probably from relogin.cgi.  We better
    # make sure the password is legit.
    $userid = confirm_login();
} else {
    $userid = quietly_check_login();

# Backwards compatibility hack -- if there are any of the old QUERY_*
# cookies around, and we are logged in, then move them into the database
# and nuke the cookie. This is required for Bugzilla 2.8 and earlier.
if ($userid) {
    my @oldquerycookies;
    foreach my $i (keys %::COOKIE) {
        if ($i =~ /^QUERY_(.*)$/) {
            push(@oldquerycookies, [$1, $i, $::COOKIE{$i}]);
    if (defined $::COOKIE{'DEFAULTQUERY'}) {
        push(@oldquerycookies, [$::defaultqueryname, 'DEFAULTQUERY',
    if (@oldquerycookies) {
        foreach my $ref (@oldquerycookies) {
            my ($name, $cookiename, $value) = (@$ref);
            if ($value) {
                my $qname = SqlQuote($name);
                SendSQL("SELECT query FROM namedqueries " .
                        "WHERE userid = $userid AND name = $qname");
                my $query = FetchOneColumn();
                if (!$query) {
                    SendSQL("REPLACE INTO namedqueries " .
                            "(userid, name, query) VALUES " .
                            "($userid, $qname, " . SqlQuote($value) . ")");
            print "Set-Cookie: $cookiename= ; path=" . Param("cookiepath") . 
                  "; expires=Sun, 30-Jun-1980 00:00:00 GMT\n";

if ($::FORM{'nukedefaultquery'}) {
    if ($userid) {
        SendSQL("DELETE FROM namedqueries " .
                "WHERE userid = $userid AND name = '$::defaultqueryname'");
    $::buffer = "";

my $userdefaultquery;
if ($userid) {
    SendSQL("SELECT query FROM namedqueries " .
            "WHERE userid = $userid AND name = '$::defaultqueryname'");
    $userdefaultquery = FetchOneColumn();

my %default;

# We pass the defaults as a hash of references to arrays. For those
# Items which are single-valued, the template should only reference [0]
# and ignore any multiple values.
sub PrefillForm {
    my ($buf) = (@_);
    my $foundone = 0;

    # Nothing must be undef, otherwise the template complains.
    foreach my $name ("bug_status", "resolution", "assigned_to",
                      "rep_platform", "priority", "bug_severity",
                      "product", "reporter", "op_sys",
                      "component", "version", "chfield", "chfieldfrom",
                      "chfieldto", "chfieldvalue", "target_milestone",
                      "email", "emailtype", "emailreporter",
                      "emailassigned_to", "emailcc", "emailqa_contact",
                      "changedin", "votes", "short_desc", "short_desc_type",
                      "long_desc", "long_desc_type", "bug_file_loc",
                      "bug_file_loc_type", "status_whiteboard",
                      "status_whiteboard_type", "bug_id",
                      "bugidtype", "keywords", "keywords_type",
                      "x_axis_field", "y_axis_field", "z_axis_field") 
        # This is a bit of a hack. The default, empty list has 
        # three entries to accommodate the needs of the email fields -
        # we use each position to denote the relevant field. Array
        # position 0 is unused for email fields because the form 
        # parameters historically started at 1.
        $default{$name} = ["", "", ""];
    # Iterate over the URL parameters
    foreach my $item (split(/\&/, $buf)) {
        my @el = split(/=/, $item);
        my $name = $el[0];
        my $value;
        if ($#el > 0) {
            $value = url_decode($el[1]);
        } else {
            $value = "";
        # If the name ends in a number (which it does for the fields which
        # are part of the email searching), we use the array
        # positions to show the defaults for that number field.
        if ($name =~ m/^(.+)(\d)$/ && defined($default{$1})) {
            $foundone = 1;
            $default{$1}->[$2] = $value;
        # If there's no default yet, we replace the blank string.
        elsif (defined($default{$name}) && $default{$name}->[0] eq "") {
            $foundone = 1;
            $default{$name} = [$value]; 
        # If there's already a default, we push on the new value.
        elsif (defined($default{$name})) {
            push (@{$default{$name}}, $value);
    return $foundone;

if (!PrefillForm($::buffer)) {
    # Ah-hah, there was no form stuff specified.  Do it again with the
    # default query.
    if ($userdefaultquery) {
    } else {

if ($default{'chfieldto'}->[0] eq "") {
    $default{'chfieldto'} = ["Now"];


# if using usebuggroups, then we don't want people to see products they don't
# have access to. Remove them from the list.

my @products = ();
my %component_set;
my %version_set;
my %milestone_set;
foreach my $p (@::legal_product) {
    # If we're using bug groups to restrict entry on products, and
    # this product has a bug group, and the user is not in that
    # group, we don't want to include that product in this list.
    next if (Param("usebuggroups") && GroupExists($p) && !UserInGroup($p));

    # We build up boolean hashes in the "-set" hashes for each of these things 
    # before making a list because there may be duplicates names across products.
    push @products, $p;
    if ($::components{$p}) {
        foreach my $c (@{$::components{$p}}) {
            $component_set{$c} = 1;
    foreach my $v (@{$::versions{$p}}) {
        $version_set{$v} = 1;
    foreach my $m (@{$::target_milestone{$p}}) {
        $milestone_set{$m} = 1;

# @products is now all the products we are ever concerned with, as a list
# %x_set is now a unique "list" of the relevant components/versions/tms
@products = sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @products;

# Create the component, version and milestone lists.
my @components = ();
my @versions = ();
my @milestones = ();
foreach my $c (@::legal_components) {
    if ($component_set{$c}) {
        push @components, $c;
foreach my $v (@::legal_versions) {
    if ($version_set{$v}) {
        push @versions, $v;
foreach my $m (@::legal_target_milestone) {
    if ($milestone_set{$m}) {
        push @milestones, $m;

# Create data structures representing each product.
for (my $i = 0; $i < @products; ++$i) {
    my $p = $products[$i];
    # Create hash to hold attributes for each product.
    my %product = (
        'name'       => $p,
        'components' => [ sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @{$::components{$p}} ],
        'versions'   => [ sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @{$::versions{$p}}   ]
    if (Param('usetargetmilestone')) {
        $product{'milestones'} =  
                      [ sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @{$::target_milestone{$p}} ];
    # Assign hash back to product array.
    $products[$i] = \%product;

$vars->{'product'} = \@products;

# We use 'component_' because 'component' is a Template Toolkit reserved word.
$vars->{'component_'} = \@components;

$vars->{'version'} = \@versions;

if (Param('usetargetmilestone')) {
    $vars->{'target_milestone'} = \@milestones;

$vars->{'have_keywords'} = scalar(@::legal_keywords);

push @::legal_resolution, "---"; # Oy, what a hack.
shift @::legal_resolution; 
      # Another hack - this array contains "" for some reason. See bug 106589.
$vars->{'resolution'} = \@::legal_resolution;

my @chfields = @::log_columns;
push @chfields, "[Bug creation]";
if (UserInGroup(Param('timetrackinggroup'))) {
    push @chfields, "work_time";
} else {
    @chfields = grep($_ ne "estimated_time", @chfields);
    @chfields = grep($_ ne "remaining_time", @chfields);
@chfields = (sort(@chfields));
$vars->{'chfield'} = \@chfields;
$vars->{'bug_status'} = \@::legal_bug_status;
$vars->{'rep_platform'} = \@::legal_platform;
$vars->{'op_sys'} = \@::legal_opsys;
$vars->{'priority'} = \@::legal_priority;
$vars->{'bug_severity'} = \@::legal_severity;
$vars->{'userid'} = $userid;

# Boolean charts
my @fields;
push(@fields, { name => "noop", description => "---" });
SendSQL("SELECT name, description FROM fielddefs ORDER BY sortkey");
while (MoreSQLData()) {
    my ($name, $description) = FetchSQLData();
    if (($name eq "estimated_time" ||
         $name eq "remaining_time" ||
         $name eq "work_time" ||
         $name eq "percentage_complete" ) &&
        (!UserInGroup(Param('timetrackinggroup')))) {
    push(@fields, { name => $name, description => $description });

$vars->{'fields'} = \@fields;

# Creating new charts - if the cmd-add value is there, we define the field
# value so the code sees it and creates the chart. It will attempt to select
# "xyzzy" as the default, and fail. This is the correct behaviour.
foreach my $cmd (grep(/^cmd-/, keys(%::FORM))) {
    if ($cmd =~ /^cmd-add(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)$/) {
        $::FORM{"field$1-$2-$3"} = "xyzzy";

if (!exists $::FORM{'field0-0-0'}) {
    $::FORM{'field0-0-0'} = "xyzzy";

# Create data structure of boolean chart info. It's an array of arrays of
# arrays - with the inner arrays having three members - field, type and
# value.
my @charts;
for (my $chart = 0; $::FORM{"field$chart-0-0"}; $chart++) {
    my @rows;
    for (my $row = 0; $::FORM{"field$chart-$row-0"}; $row++) {
        my @cols;
        for (my $col = 0; $::FORM{"field$chart-$row-$col"}; $col++) {
            push(@cols, { field => $::FORM{"field$chart-$row-$col"},
                          type => $::FORM{"type$chart-$row-$col"},
                          value => $::FORM{"value$chart-$row-$col"} });
        push(@rows, \@cols);
    push(@charts, \@rows);

$default{'charts'} = \@charts;

# Named queries
if ($userid) {
    my @namedqueries;
    SendSQL("SELECT name FROM namedqueries " .
            "WHERE userid = $userid AND name != '$::defaultqueryname' " .
            "ORDER BY name");
    while (MoreSQLData()) {
        push(@namedqueries, FetchOneColumn());
    $vars->{'namedqueries'} = \@namedqueries;    

# Sort order
my $deforder;
my @orders = ('Bug Number', 'Importance', 'Assignee', 'Last Changed');

    $deforder = "Reuse same sort as last time";
    unshift(@orders, $deforder);

if ($::FORM{'order'}) { $deforder = $::FORM{'order'} }

$vars->{'userdefaultquery'} = $userdefaultquery;
$vars->{'orders'} = \@orders;
$default{'querytype'} = $deforder || 'Importance';

# Add in the defaults.
$vars->{'default'} = \%default;

$vars->{'format'} = $::FORM{'format'};

# Generate and return the UI (HTML page) from the appropriate template.
# If we submit back to ourselves (for e.g. boolean charts), we need to
# preserve format information; hence query_format taking priority over
# format.
my $format = GetFormat("search/search", 
                       $::FORM{'query_format'} || $::FORM{'format'}, 
print "Content-Type: $format->{'ctype'}\n\n";
$template->process($format->{'template'}, $vars)
  || ThrowTemplateError($template->error());