Fix for bug 71808: Can't set email preferences for voters (which caused voters…

Fix for bug 71808: Can't set email preferences for voters (which caused voters to get OldEmailTech notifications. Patch by r= justdave
parent d041005e
......@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ my %force;
@{$force{'Owner'}} = ();
@{$force{'Reporter'}} = ();
@{$force{'CClist'}} = ();
@{$force{'Voter'}} = ();
sub Lock {
if ($::lockcount <= 0) {
......@@ -515,8 +516,11 @@ sub NewProcessOneBug {
@ccList = filterEmailGroup('CClist', \@currentEmailAttributes,
@voterlist = filterEmailGroup('Voter', \@currentEmailAttributes,
my @emailList = (@assigned_toList, @reporterList,
@qa_contactList, @ccList);
@qa_contactList, @ccList, @voterlist);
# only need one entry per person
my @allEmail = ();
......@@ -823,6 +827,16 @@ sub filterEmailGroup ($$$) {
my $matchName = 'email' . $emailGroup . $attribute;
# **** Kludge... quick and dirty fix for 2.12
# If this pref is new (it's been added since this user
# last updated their filtering prefs, $userFlags{$matchName}
# will be undefined. This should be considered a match
# so that new prefs will default to 'on'
if (!defined($userFlags{$matchName})) {
$detectedOn = 1;
while ((my $flagName, my $flagValue) = each %userFlags) {
if ($flagName !~ /$emailGroup/) {
......@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ my @emailGroups = (
'Owner', 'the Bug Owner',
'Reporter', 'the Reporter',
'QAcontact', 'the QA contact',
'CClist', 'on the CC list'
'CClist', 'on the CC list',
'Voter', 'a Voter'
my @emailFlags = (
......@@ -95,8 +96,16 @@ my $defaultEmailFlagString =
'emailCClistResolved~' . 'on~' .
'emailCClistKeywords~' . 'on~' .
'emailCClistCC~' . 'on~' .
'emailCClistOther~' . 'on' ;
'emailCClistOther~' . 'on~' .
'emailVoterRemoveme~' . 'on~' .
'emailVoterComments~' . 'on~' .
'emailVoterAttachemnts~' . 'on~' .
'emailVoterStatus~' . 'on~' .
'emailVoterResolved~' . 'on~' .
'emailVoterKeywords~' . 'on~' .
'emailVoterCC~' . 'on~' .
'emailVoterOther~' . 'on' ;
sub EmitEntry {
my ($description, $entry) = (@_);
......@@ -409,6 +418,11 @@ sub printEmailOption ($$\%) {
$value = 'CHECKED';
# **** Kludge ... also mark on if the value in $$refCurrentFlags in undef
if (!defined($$refCurrentFlags{"email$optionName"})) {
$value = 'CHECKED';
print qq{
<tr><td width=320></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="email$optionName" VALUE="on" $value>
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