Commit 02b923a6 authored by's avatar

Bug 163790 - colchange.cgi is not localisable. Patch by gerv; r=burnus.

parent 66d8d89e
......@@ -28,18 +28,33 @@
this feature requires cookies to work.
[% FOREACH column = masterlist %]
[% desc.${column} = column %]
[% END %]
[% desc.summary = "Summary (first 60 characters)" %]
[% desc.summaryfull = "Full Summary" %]
[% desc = { "opendate" => "Open Date",
"changeddate" => "Last Changed Date",
"severity" => "Severity",
"priority" => "Priority",
"platform" => "Hardware",
"owner" => "Owner",
"reporter" => "Reporter",
"status" => "Status",
"resolution" => "Resolution",
"product" => "Product",
"component" => "Component",
"version" => "Version",
"os" => "OS",
"votes" => "Votes",
"keywords" => "Keywords",
"target_milestone" => "Target",
"qa_contact" => "QA Contact",
"status_whiteboard" => "Whiteboard",
"summary" => "Summary (first 60 characters)",
"summaryfull" => "Full Summary" } %]
<form action="colchange.cgi">
<input type="hidden" name="rememberedquery" value="[% buffer %]">
[% FOREACH column = masterlist %]
<input type="checkbox" id="[% column %]" name="column_[% column %]"
[% "checked='checked'" IF lsearch(collist, column) != -1 %]>
<label for="[% column %]">[% desc.${column} %]</label>
<label for="[% column %]">[% desc.${column} || column %]</label>
[% END %]
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